Presented by : Gizem, Kingkamon and Arshi Ethical issues on gender discrimination
Introduction Ethics (noun) Derived from Greek word Ethos meaning character. Traits constituting good character: -Honesty -Respect -Integrity -Professionalism -Setting boundaries might be unethical, undesirable or uncomfortable, but not severe enough to prompt legal action or reporting. Ethical ambiguities that our community faces every day: plagiarism, sexual harassment, hostile work environments, bullying, cultural clashes, unconscious biases and simple misunderstandings.
Introduction “Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex. Sexist attitudes may stem from traditional stereotypes of gender roles, and may include the belief that a person of one sex is intrinsically superior to a person of the other.” - Wikipedia Scientists: analysing complex data sets ? Handling potential ethical breaches or offensive comments in the workplace- inadvertent or intentional. ExpectationReality
Is it harder for women to publish? Are women at a disadvantage when applying for grants? Does hiring occur without regard to gender? But what are the causes of female underrepresentation in the sciences? Gender discrimination Today, more than half of all PhDs in the life sciences are awarded to women, compared to 13 percent bestowed upon women in However, women still lag far behind men in full professorships and tenure track positions in math-intensive fields. OR personal career preferences, family choices, and ability differences?
“ Do we have a Gender Gap in Science? ”
The number of women studying in science has risen sharply. “ Why women are disproportionately driven away from scientist careers? ” Helen Shen, Mind the Gender Gap, Nature vol 495, 2013 The gender gap is greater among senior than among junior faculty members.
Both male and female scientists exhibit unconscious biases against women. Is females are less successful in publishing research on account their gender? The women who had children or planned to have them were more likely to consider leaving research.
So how to tackle this?
How can you be neutral and also speak against something that does not fit into general code of conduct? If you do so: Are you hurting anyone sentiments? Are you inviting trouble for yourself? Are you a good person or not that you are telling such thing? ……………………………………………………… You tend to go in self doubt Morally correct or not?
Does working relationships change if you speak against ethical issues at work ?
Lobbies or nice happy colleagues ? or
Do not express your ethical issues, be liked by all………
Express your mind, get disliked for what you said …….
It is practically not possible to be like this at the same time for the same reason…….
So how to draw a balance between what is ethically correct and what is not correct ?
I wish I know the exact answer!
1)Writer’s identity can be made anonymous 2) Appointments should be unbiased 3)Realize that for a successful team both men and women are equally important. To tackle this may be we can:
Thank you for your kind attention