Victims of Cyberbullying who eventually took their own lives
What Does Cyberbullying Involve? (Chisholm, 2006) Cyberbullying occurs via: chat rooms online bulletin boards instant messaging web sites cell phones on-line multiplayer video games Cyberbullying involves: harassing humiliating intimidating sending derogatory insults or threats in messages teasing using inappropriate language
What Makes Cyberbullying Different From Traditional Bullying Anonymity People often act in ways that they usually would not act because the other person can’t physically see them (Mishna, Saini, & Solomon, 2009) Rampant Distribution Something that is posted on the internet or sent over text messages spreads very fast Around the Clock There doesn’t have to be physical contact for cyberbullying to take place
Social Networking Sites and Cyberbullying Breeding ground for rumors, derogatory comments, and threats Word meanings are often misunderstood when they are only read Stolen passwords Friends often share passwords or steal passwords which results in inaccurate posts- PROTECT YOUR PASSWORDS! Exclusion Things can be said about a person without them knowing. This isn’t fair because they are unable to defend themselves
Text Messaging and Cyberbullying Using other’s phones Be careful to whom you lend your phone. You never know what they are sending. You could get into some serious trouble. Sending inappropriate pictures Sexting It is against the law to take, send, and receive sexually explicit pictures of minors The act of sexting becomes cyberbullying when the pictures are circulated without consent resulting in 2 serious offenses.
Types of Cyberbullies (Chisholm, 2006) “Vengeful Angels” Those who are trying to “take up for” a friend who is getting picked on. Don’t get in the middle of someone else’s cyberbullying situation. The best advice you can give your friend is to stop communicating with the bully/bullies. “Power Hungry” Those who pick on others only to make themselves feel powerful or dominant. Be aware of these types of bullies. Try to avoid contributing to their mission to gain power by taking their side. “Inadvertent Cyberbully” Those who send a message that is misunderstood. Be careful that what you say through the internet or text messaging is clear and cannot be misunderstood “Mean Girls” Girls who gang up on other girls and try to exclude them or humiliate them. Don’t be a part of the “gang”
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Will Never Hurt Me? NOT TRUE! Cyberbullying can cause Emotional distress Academic problems Absenteeism Violence Suicide
Washington State Law According to RCW § it is a against the law to harass, intimidate, torment, or embarrass someone through electronic communications. Arrests have been made in cases where cyberbullying led to tragedy
What Can YOU Do? Be aware of the way that you communicate with others through electronic means of communication Don’t jump in the middle of a Facebook/Myspace argument or bullying situation. Instead, tell an adult if it is a situation that has gotten out of hand Delete “friends” who constantly seem to be causing problems on social networking sites Tell the counselor or a teacher if you know of a situation in which someone that you know is being bullied *There are also instructions for reporting harassment in your student handbook Considering the consequences of cyberbullying
Any Questions?
References American School Counseling Association. (2003). The ASCA national model: A framework for school counseling programs. Alexandria, VA: ASCA. Auerbach, S. (2009). Screening out cyberbullies: Remedies for victims on the internet playground. Cardozo Law Review, 30(4), Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Bakken, L., Gentes, C., & Solberg, N. (n.d.). Middle school cyberbullying curriculum. Seattle Public Schools. Retrieved from Billitteri, T. J. (2008). Cyberbullying. CQ Researcher, 18 (17), Retrieved April 3, 2010, from CQ Researcher Online, Chisholm, J. (2006). Cyberspace violence against girls and adolescent females. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1087(1), doi: /annals Eckholm, E., Zezima. (2010, March). 6 teenagers are charged after classmate’s suicide. The New York Times. Retrieved from Gentile, C. (2009, February). Student fights record of 'cyberbullying'. New York Times. Retrieved from Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2008). Cyberbullying: An exploratory analysis of factors related to offending and victimization. Deviant Behavior, 29(2), doi: / Li, Q. (2006) Cyberbullying in schools. School Psychology International, 27(2), Mishna, F., Saini, M., Solomon, S. (2009). Ongoing and online: Children and youth’s perceptions of cyber bullying. Children and Youth Services Review, 31, doi: /j.child youth Stone, C. (2009). School Counseling Principles: Ethic and Law (2 ND ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCA. Tokunaga, R. (2010). Following you home from school: A critical review and synthesis of research on cyberbullying victimization. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, Washington Revised Code RCW § (2004). Retrieved from Washington Revised Code § 28A (2010). Retrieved from Willard, N. (2007). Cyberbullying legislation and school policies: Where are the boundaries of the “schoolhouse gate” in the virtual world? Wiseman, R. (2009). Bullies without boundaries. ASCA Schoolcounselor 47(2)