If I had $1,000,000 By Katie Border and Brianna Wall
House Cost: $459,000 sources: zipreality.com
Furniture cost of ice chest: $ cost of ottoman: $79.99 sources:Target.com
K car cost of a K car $12,675 sources:Cregsliist.com
tree for yard/tree house Cost of tree:$4.95 Cost of wood for Tree House:$4.99 Sources: arborday.com, segmentedturning.com
Mini fridge cost of fridge:$50.00 Sources: Homefurnish.com
Fur Coat cost of fur coat:$ sources:fabulousfurs.com
exotic pet cost of emu:$150-$225 Cost of a llama:$200-$800 sources:attra.ncat.org, qeok.com
John Marit’s bones cost of bones: can’t buy
Limo cost of limo:$60-$300 Source:limos.com
Green Dress Cost of green dress:$29.99 Sources:google.com
art Cost of art:$5,000 Sources:askart.com
Monkey Cost of monkey:$15,000 Sourses:slate.com