Marine Core Service MY OCEAN MyOcean 2nd Annual Meeting, 27-28 April 2011, Rome MyOcean Board Activities MyOcean Advisory Committee & Long-term Roadmap.


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Presentation transcript:

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN MyOcean 2nd Annual Meeting, April 2011, Rome MyOcean Board Activities MyOcean Advisory Committee & Long-term Roadmap WP1.2

Marine Core Service Outlines n The Board n The MyOcean Advisory Committee n After MyOcean –MyOcean2 –ECOMF n EuroGOOS, GMES and MyOcean challenges

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN MyOcean 2nd Annual Meeting, April 2011, Rome Board

Marine Core Service Reminder - Partnership WP1.2 (strategy and long term roadmap) CO.01 Mercator Ocean P.02 Met Office P.03 INGV P.04 NERSC P.05 DMI P.08 CLS P.09 IFREMER COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD Pierre Bahurel (chair) Mike J. Bell Fabienne Jacq (resignement since February 2011) Johnny A. Johannessen Pierre-Yves Le Traon Nadia Pinardi Jun She Kostas Nittis (since 2011, chair of Core User Group) One secretary: Alain Podaire A permanent invitee : Frédéric Adragna (Project Manager) “The Board is the acting governing body supporting the Coordinator in the steering and strategic management actions and decisions.” ~ MONTHLY MEETINGS June 2010 (Brussels with MAC & Bergen)November 2010 (Telecon) July 2010 (Paris)December 2010 (Telecon) August 2010 (Telecon)February 2011 (Paris) September 2010 (Paris)March 2011 (Brussels) October 2010 (Brussels)April 2011 (Telecon)

Marine Core Service Activities (May 2010 – April 2011) n Two main objectives: –Steering of the MyOcean project Decisions impacting the V1 delivery –Preparation of future steps MyOcean, MyOcean2 and the follow-on GMES Marine Service

Marine Core Service Achievements n Project management and governance –Board / Exec decision process clarified –Progress with Advisory Committee, CUG, SAC (MyOcean Science Days) n Service –Clarification on Alternative & Back-ups –V1 Catalogue, MIS & Web Portal –Major Accounts SLA with EEA signed Service provision to EMSA n Input Data –ESA Data Access Requirements –Contribution to EEA GMES In-Situ component n Project run –Web Portal –V1 Acceptance Review –Decision on selected projects (1st Open Call for Research) n Stakeholders –Reinforcement of links with EuroGOOS and ROOSes Contribution to EuroGOOS Strategy on Operational Oceanography EuroGOOS symposium –European Maritime Days –Links with ESA, Eumetsat, Godae OV EEA and EMSA Emodnet n Users –Preparation of the User Workshop n GMES and MCS –Discussion with MCS IG –Report / Links to the GMES Bureau and FP7 Space Unit –Cost study –Discussion on ECOMF –Preparation of MyOcean2

Marine Core Service n Technical & operational –Close short-term actions taken after the User Workshop –Define & implement the MyOcean V2, including catalogue, web portal & access principles (SLA) –Prepare a smooth transition with MyOcean2 –Enlarge the MyOcean User Base n Management & governance –Reaching MyOcean objectives Closing MyOcean with the expected outcomes Ensuring a fair recognition of the work done by all partners –Progress in the EU long-term contractual approach Cost assessment EU contribution & funding schemes Governance approach Future Challenges

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN MyOcean 2nd Annual Meeting, April 2011, Rome Advisory Committee Report

Marine Core Service The MyOcean Advisory Committee DG MARE P. Ehlers P. Bahurel R. UhelO. TrieschmannI. ShepherdD.Marbouty E. Paliouras L.Sarlo S. Noyes

Marine Core Service MyOcean Advisory Committee EU Integ. Maritime Policy European Oceanog. Centres European Meteo Infrastructure MyOcean Application Areas Observation Infra Marit. Safety Marine Environt Marine Resour. Weath. & Climate SpaceIn- situ EuroGOOS (P. Ehlers) EC DG MARE (I. Shepherd) ECMWF (D. Marbouty) EEA (R. Uhel) EMSA (O. Trieschmann) ESA (E. Paliouras) EUMETNET (S. Noyes) EUMETSAT (L. Sarlo)

Marine Core Service 2 nd MAC meeting June 16 th, Hambourg n Agenda items –R&D approach –Main drivers for MyOcean2 –MyOcean user approach –Links with EuroGOOS n Main outcomes –R&D approach Validation of “ Tier ” Concept Steering of R&D activities by user requirements Need for a long term strategy (10 year target) revised on annual basis MyOcean/MCS to be prepared for the challenge linked to climate monitoring contribution Attractiveness of R&D activities for the research community, if contribution to a world-leading level operational service

Marine Core Service 2 nd MAC meeting June 16 th, Hambourg n Main outcomes (cont’d) –Main drivers for MyOcean2 User uptake –Importance of product quality and outreach / training activities –Tailor the user approach to the various user communities Service provided –Core service scope to be consolidated –Product quality is part of the service definition –Service qualification to be based on existing operational model –Involvement of downstream level in service verification System architecture –Transition towards an operational environment forces the implementation of a stable architecture –User acceptance for the service provision scheme.

Marine Core Service 2 nd MAC meeting June 16 th, Hambourg n Main outcomes (cont’d) –MyOcean User Approach Plan outreach activities dedicated to national users, private sector, European and international bodies Target intermediate users: R&D projects and actions tailored for the private sector –Links with EuroGOOS EuroGOOS tasks will include the promotion of operational oceanography in regional seas: –Coordination and promotion of observation activities, –Coordination of downstream requirements for core services –Elaboration of standards for operational oceanography –Participation in projects for further developing and improving operational oceanographic services MAC sleeping during MyOcean2 preparation 3rd meeting in September 2011

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN MyOcean 2nd Annual Meeting, April 2011, Rome After MyOcean

Marine Core Service n Short / medium term: until Fall 2014 MyOcean 2 n Long term: from Fall 2014 onwards Consolidation of MyOcean partnerships ECOMF : European Centre for Ocean Monitoring & Forecasting Two milestones

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN MyOcean 2nd Annual Meeting, April 2011, Rome MyOcean2

Marine Core Service A second EU FP7 Project…. n From preparation to negotiation –Preparation from May to November 2010 Involvement of MyOcean partners Lessons learned from MyOcean –Proposal submitted on time (November 25th, 2010) –Positive evaluation in February 2011 –Negotiation from April to September 2011 n MyOcean2 proposal (before negotiation) –Start: April 2012 – End: September 2014 (2.5 years) –Total budget: 41 M€ with 28 M€ (11.2 M€/an) UE FP7 Grant –60 partners – 28 countries – ~350 persons ; ~150 persons-year

Marine Core Service Main improvements / evolutions wrt MyOcean2 n Streamlined Service Approach –User-driven approach –Main functionalities gathered in a single WP n A closer link with the national level, user uptake –Dedicated activities for benefiting from national expertise –Coll. With EuroGOOS, Structured in line with EuroGOOS regional approach (ROOSes) –Dedicated activities for user training n Operational Production Centers –Consolidated functionalities –Links with cross-cutting activities n Dedicated cross-cutting activities on key issues –Product Quality, Multi-Year Assessment, R&D (Tier-1) n Consolidated management –Technical issues: Executive Committee Bureau –Annual Operation Review –Preparation of ECOMF n More structured outreach, training & communication activities

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN MyOcean 2nd Annual Meeting, April 2011, Rome European Partnership ECOMF ECOMF: European Centre for Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting

Marine Core Service Importance of Year 2011 n European Commission is preparing the next EU Financial Framework (from 2014 onwards…) n For GMES –June 2011: EC proposition about the “Space” envelope (Galileo + GMES) –November 2011: EC proposition for a revised GMES Regulation (including budget sharing between space in- situ observation infrastructure / services) Discussion between European Council & Parliament and EC from 2012

Marine Core Service Current EC estimate for the GMES Marine Service Marine environment monitoring Observations assembly and processing8 Global analysis and forecasting4 Regional (pan-European) analysis & forecasting10 Central functions (service delivery, management...)2 TOTAL 24 Annual UE funding (M€) from 2014 (EC document GMES Partners Board – October 2010) Need for consolidating the “routine” cost for the GMES Marine Service provision

Marine Core Service ATMOSPHERE (MACC project) Structuring GMES Services, some ideas circulated (some are only ideas) ECMWF LAND (Geoland project) EEA EMERGENCY (Safer project) JRC ? MARINE (MyOcean project) ECOMF

Marine Core Service ECOMF n To lead the GMES Marine Service, we are promoting « ECOMF » (European Centre for Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting) n At short-term (ie 2011), we propose to form « ECOMF » as a MoU between the 14 core partners of MyOcean/MyOcean2 –Mercator Ocean, Met Office, INGV, NERSC, DMI, Puertos del Estado, MHI, HCMR, CLS, Ifremer, SHMI, CNR,, BSH n The goal is to bring to the fore our partnership in the discussion with EC and GMES stakeholders. Mercator MyOcean Mercator MyOcean2 ECOMF GMES Marine

Marine Core Service ECOMF: the leading entity for the GMES Marine Service provision Single service concept European distribution of the service provision: involvement of main national institutions Free & open access to information (“public good”)

Marine Core Service Funding approach n GMES data policy impact → ECOMF overall funding to be provided by EU and national authorities n National public funding → Applicable to national part of ECOMF capacities → Should be guaranteed in the long-term n EU funding model : options identified (GMES Regulation) Funding lines: Grants or Public Procurement Contracts Management: directly by EU or through Delegation Agreements → The EU funding scheme will directly impact the ECOMF governance model

Marine Core Service 3 actions the Board has in mind n User Forum : –This is a formal user consultation process organized by GMES Bureau : the MyOcean User Workshop initiative will contribute n Cost analysis –There is a need to produce a good cost analysis of the GMES Marine Service ; the last one was made through BOSS4GMES and needs improvements ; you may be contacted n ECOMF : –There is a need to demonstrate further the value of our partnership, and its long-term sustainability ; we plan to start with a MoU

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN MyOcean 2nd Annual Meeting, April 2011, Rome EuroGOOS, GMES and MyOcean challenges