Choose the correct answers: 1- ……………………… is supporting cell of the nervous system. It is non-excitable and not transmit impulses. Neuron Neuroglia cells Mast cells Macrophages 2- Interoceptors are the receptors which give response to stimuli from inside the body. Which of the following receptors is considered examples of interoceptors: chemoroceptors Proprioceptors Cutaneous receptors All of the above 3- Pharyngeal reflex is considered : Superficial reflex Deep reflex Visceral reflex Pathological reflex 4- anterior spinothalamic tract of the spinal cord are concerned with: Crude touch sensation Pain and temperature sensations Proprioception Voluntary motor movements
5- The reticular formation is situated in: Cerebral cortex Cerebellum Brain stem Spinal cord 6- Ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) is concerned with: Control the vegetative functions Control somatomotor activities Alertness and maintenance of attention A and B 7- alpha waves in the electroencephalogram are recorded during Mental activity or arousal state Drowsiness or light sleep Deep sleep Only in children below 5 years
8- The receptors for vision are: Olfactory receptors Hair cells in organ of corti Rods and cons in retina Taste buds 9-Primary cortical center for vision is located in: Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Temporal lobe Occipital lobe 10- Dopamine is : Excitatory neurotransmitter Inhibitory neurotransmitter Excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter Not neurotransmitter
11- The thalamus is concerned with: Homeostasis of the body All sensation before reaching cerebral cortex Motor activities Posture and equilibrium 12- lateral spinothalamic tract is one of the: Ascending tracts of spinal cord Pyramidal tracts Extrapyramidal tracts None of the above 13- conductivity of the nerve fibers, is defined as: The nerve fiber give response to any stimuli Does not give any response to any stimulus The nerve fiber transmit impulses from area of stimulation to other area Physiochemical changes occur in response to stimulus
14- Pain sensation from the face is carried by: trigeminal nerve facial nerve glossopharyngeal nerve vagal nerve 15- presynaptic inhibition, it is the synaptic inhibition which occurs because of: Release of inhibitory neurotransmitter Failure of presynaptic axon terminal to release excitatory neurotransmitter Stimulation of renshaw cells in spinal cord None of the above 16- which of the following considered properties of receptors: Adaptation Specificty Sensory transduction All of the above
Fill in the blank: Peripheral nervous system is divided into: 1……………………………………………………………………. 2…………………………………………………………………….. Elelctroencephalogram (EEG) It has four types of waves: 1…………………. 2…………………………………... 3……………………………………… 4………………………………are obtained only in children below 5 years Functions of myelin sheath are: 1………………………….. 2………………………….. Neuron like any other cell in the body having nucleus and all the organelles in the cytoplasm. However, it is different from other cells by two ways: 1……………………………………………………….. 2…………………………………………………………… Descending tracts of spinal are two types: 1…………………………………… 2……………………………………. Types of inhibitory synapse: a……………………………………………………. b……………………………………………………….. c…………………………………………………………
Enumerate properties of nerve fibers: 1……………………………………………………… 2………………………………………………………. 3……………………………………………………… 4……………………………………………………… Divisions of cerebellum: 1-……………………………………………………………………………………… 2-………………………………………………………………………………............ 3-……………………………………………………………………………………… Classification of reflexes depending on clinical basis: 1…………………………………………. 2………………………………………….. 3………………………………………….. 4………………………………………….. Enumerate different proprioceptors: 1…………………………… 2………………………….. 3…………………………… 4………………………….. 5……………………………… Vestibular apparatus is the part of ……………………………….., it plays important role in ……………………………………………………… Hypothalamus regulates the heart rate and blood pressure by acting on …………………………………………………
Answer the following questions: Difference between axon & dendrites Myelin sheath and its functions Properties of nerve fibers Definition and classification of receptors Properties of receptors Types & properties of synapse definition & classifications of neurotransmitters classification of reflexes Divisions of spinal tracts and their functions Types of sensations functions of the thalamus & hypothalamus Enumerate functions of basal ganglia divisions and functions of cerebellum enumerate types of proprioceptors compare between visual, hearing, taste and smell pathways
Good luck