Spice Spice in Dyalog V1.03
Sep Spice Utilities Spice is a user command handler. Under V11 & V12 it uses an input area at the bottom of the screen to issue user defined commands using SALT. It can be initialized directly from SALT:
Sep Initializing Spice Spice can be started automatically when starting APL by setting the SALT registry key AddSPICE to ‘1’
Sep Initializing Spice The Spice input area can also be started automatically by using the function in the SALT workspace: )LOAD SALT enableSpice
Sep Initializing the Spice area in V12 The configuration menu:
Sep Initializing Spice in V12.1 There is no need to initialize the Spice input area in The Spice user command handler is always available directly through the ] with Simply use ] where you would use the input area, e.g. ]mycmd
Sep Spice Help To get a list of all available commands you enter ]? or ‘?’ in the input area: ?
Sep Example of a custom Spice command: locate Use “locate string” to locate a regular expression string in SALT folders, e.g.: ]locate \babc>0$ Will find in SALT files where syntactic abc is greater than 0 at the end of a line.
Sep Using SALT commands in Spice All the SALT commands but New can be issued here, e.g.: ]save myclass file1 ]compare file1 -ver=4 ]list mine ]settings ]load myfile ]removeversions filex -v=<9
Sep How does Spice work? -Spice commands are kept in script files, like SALT. -Spice files have a.dyalog extension. -All Spice script files are kept by default in folder [Dyalog]\SALT\spice
Sep How does Spice work? Each script file contains a class with a number of (presumably) related commands. For example a script/class could contain 1.a command to search text 2.a command to replace text
Sep How does Spice work? A script file MUST contain at least 3 public shared functions for the Spice handler: 1.A function 2.A function 3.A function It may contain other functions.
Sep How does Spice work? The function The function is niladic. It returns a list of as many namespaces as there are commands in the script file. E.g.: if there are 2 commands in the script file it returns 2 namespaces.
Sep How does Spice work? The function Each namespace returned by contains 4 variables; each one is a string: 1.Name: the name of the command 2.Group: the group the command belongs to 3.Desc: a short description 4.Parse: the parsing rules
Sep How does Spice work? The function The 4 variables: 1.Name: a single word, e.g. locate 2.Group: a single word, e.g. files 3.Desc: a sentence, e.g. Find string in files 4.Parse: a string describing the command syntax, e.g. 2 –exclude=
Sep How does Spice work? The function (example with 2 cmds) ∇ r←List :Access Shared Public r← ⎕ NS¨2 ⍴⊂ '' r.Name←'Locate' 'Replace' r.Group← ⊂ 'Files' r.Parse←'1' '2' r[1].Desc←'Find a string in files' r[2].Desc←'Replace a string by another' ∇
Sep How does Spice work? The function The function is monadic. It takes a string naming the command to return detailed help for, e.g. locate It returns a string describing help for that command.
Sep How does Spice work? The function (example with 2 cmds) ∇ r←Help Cmd :Access Shared Public r←'' r,← ⊂ 'Arg: string; shows where the string is found' r,← ⊂ 'Arg: 2 strings; replace the first one by the other' r←r ⊃⍨ 'Locate' 'Replace' ⍳⊂ Cmd ∇
Sep How does Spice work? The function The function is monadic. It takes 2 arguments: 1.a string naming the command to deal with, e.g. locate 2.either a string or a namespace which is the argument to the command
Sep How does Spice work? The function (example with 2 cmds) ∇ r←Run(Cmd ca);ct;w :Access Shared Public r←0 0 ⍴ '' ⋄ ct← ⎕ SE.SALT.Load'Utils\fileUtils -noname' w←##.textUtils.splitOn ⍨⎕ SE.SALT.Settings'workdir' :Select Cmd :Case 1 ⊃ Fns ⋄ w ct.showExpr¨ ⊂ ca.Argument :Case 2 ⊃ Fns ⋄ w ct.replExpr¨ ⊂ ca.Argument :EndSelect ∇
Sep Example See script Spice\aSample.dyalog It contains 2 examples of Spice commands: 1.no parsing rules 2.with specific parsing rules
Sep Example The syntax is described in the help:
Sep Example If the syntax is wrong Spice will complain: No arguments!
Sep Example If the syntax is right Spice will do it:
Sep Spice command location When APL is installed Spice commands location is [Dyalog]\SALT\spice but you can change it. The SALT settings contain Spice’s commands location in cmddir: ]setting cmddir \my\own\user\cmds Will change the Spice/user commands folder to \my\own\user\cmds
Sep Special Spice command
Sep Final SPICE is a development tool. It can be used to store frequently used (and even less frequently used) user commands.
Sep Short Final More information can be found in the Spice document. Dyalog 2008