2,400,000 Older People in the UK are Depressed* *Source: Age Concern and Mental Health Foundation inquiry into mental health and wellbeing in later life A Growing Problem of Wellbeing
WHO found strong causational relationships between poor wellbeing and physical health, but also impacting on patients’ capacity to recover* *Friedli, L (2009) Mental health, resilience and inequalities. World Health Organisation Poor Wellbeing = Poor Health
1)Participation 2)Relationships 3)Age Discrimination 4)Physical & Mental Health 5)Poverty Improving Wellbeing
Think Local, Act Personal The agreement says how organisations will work together to make sure people have more choice and control over public services. involve people and their carers in planning services that meet their needs
Still Needs focus, can we be more radical?
Co-Production? No more throw away people 1)Participatory Services 2)Two-Way Relationships 3)Assuming people can contribute
‘working with’ not ‘doing to’ Engage People As Contributors Not only as Customers 1 Discover What people’s Skills, talents And interests Are. 2 Thank & Value People For their Contribution 3 *School story
How do we do this across a community?
1 st Principle: “Know Your Assets”
‘Time In’ Menu 1 Connect Existing Ways for People to Participate ‘Volunteering’ Community Centres ‘Community Groups’ ‘Service-User Engagement’ 2 New Ways to Participate Based on People’s Skills & Interests Practical Skills & Learning Social & Cultural Interests Passionate Issues & Concerns Opportunities for Participation Are Embedded in Public & Community Services (To be Sustainable)
2 nd Principle: “The 2 Way Street”
‘Time Out’ Menu 1 Spare Capacity (no additional cost, or higher revenues) 2 No More Freebies (something for nothing undervalues it) Smarter Use of Existing Resources (Sustainable) 3 Made with ‘Time In’ (people power) Time at the Gym or Swimming Pool Spare Seats at the Cinema or Theatre Music Venues / Sports Games Trips and Activities Education and Training Community Events Street Festivals Carnivals Battle of the Bands Bingo Nights
Number of Active People Contributing Their Time (30 Community Projects)* *Report ‘Spice Looking Back’ University of Wales 2008 The Result is Increased Engagement
Research Conducted by The University of Wales interviewed 120 people in 30 Communities with Spice Time Credit Systems… 66% 86% 72% ‘Had Increased Self Confidence as a Consequence of the Timebank’ ‘Had Learnt New Skills as a Consequence of the Timebank’ ‘ Stronger sense of Community as a result of the timebank’ The University of Wales: ‘Spice Looking Back’ December 2008
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