AP World History Understanding the AP World History Themes
Themes Why Themes? Big world—lots of history How to make sense of it? “Themes”—big ideas -helps organize knowledge -helps to see continuity/change -helps to compare & contrast
AP Themes: S.P.I.C.E. Acronym: Social Political Interaction Culture Economics
Do Now! For each S.P.I.C.E. 1)Title Slide—BIG IDEA! (left side) 2)Next—Outline (right side) ?s historians ask/examples On your own practice: Remember to try to summarize in your own words.
Social—Development & Transformation of Social Structures
SOCIAL Notes: How are people GROUPED socially, & how do these groups relate to each other? Example: Gender— Roles & relationships Etruscan (Italy)- 600 BCE Roman (Italy)- 60 CE Compare Similar? Different?
SOCIAL *Example: Family—#, roles, relationships. Chinese family Chinese family Continuity/Change What’s continued? What’s changed?
SOCIAL *Example-Race/Ethnicity ? What questions might a Historian ask? Mexican family-1763 Spanish husband Native American wife
Notes Summary: Social—in your own words.
Political— State Building, expansion, & conflicts
POLITICAL Notes: How are people GROUPED politically, & What unites & divides people? Example: Political structure—who has power? Compare Similar? Different? Egyptian King American president
Political *Example: Empires The Mongol Empire Over Time Continuity/Change What’s continued? What’s changed? Why?
POLITICAL *Revolt & Revolution— ? What questions might a Historian ask? Liberty Leading the People Eugene Delacroix, 1830
Notes Summary: POLITICAL—in your own words.
Interactions— How People & the Environment Relate
INTERACTIONS Notes: How did environments shape people, & how do people shape their environments? Example: Patterns of settlement Compare Similar? Different? Inuit (Canadian) home Bedouin (Arabia) home
Interactions *Example: Technology Mongolian home-yurt 1950s Continuity/Change What’s continued? What’s changed? Mongolian home-yurt Today
Interactions *Demography (study of populations) ? What questions might a Historian ask?
Notes Summary: Interactions—in your own words.
Cultural—Development & interaction of cultures
CULTURAL Notes: What are the unique & similar beliefs, ideas, & ways of living between peoples? Example: Religion Greek gods & goddesses Christianity Compare Similar? Different?
CULTURAL *Example: Beliefs (about the solar system) Ptolemy model—160 C.E. Continuity/Change What’s continued? What’s changed? Copernicus model—1543 C.E.
Cultural *Architecture ? What questions might a Historian ask? Hagia Sophia (Church of Holy Wisdom) Built by Byzantine (Christian) empire: 537 C.E. Conquered by Ottoman (Islamic) empire: 1453 C.E.
Notes Summary: Cultural—in your own words.
Economics-Creation, expansion, & interactions of economic systems
Economics Notes: How do people produce “wealth”, work, & trade with each other? Example: Labor systems Compare Similar? Different? Nigerian woman, Cacao (chocolate) harvest Kenyan woman, Clothing factory
Economics *Example: Agricultural production Sugar harvest, 1800s Continuity/Change What’s continued? What’s changed? Sugar harvest, today
Economics Example: Trade The “Silk Road” What questions might a historian ask?
Notes Summary: Economics—in your own words.
Do Now! 1 st —Write down the S.P.I.C.E. of YOU! Example: Social Family of… Race is… My social class is… 2nd—Pair & Share! Write down another’s S.P.I.C.E. 3rd—Compare! What’s similar/different about the S.P.I.C.E.s