Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF The NAIF Node PDSMC Report Addresses both NAIF Node and Core SPICE Development August 23, 2011 Chuck Acton SPICE components are not restricted under ITAR
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF The NAIF Team 2 Boris Semenov Ed Wright Nat Bachman Sam Krening Chuck Acton
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF NAIF Funding Sources for The PDS funds: SPICE Development NAIF Node *Advanced Multi-Mission Operations System Percent of Total Available Funds
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Summary - 1 SPICE data archiving is in pretty good shape –Occasional problems with archives not produced at JPL Plan to do a major transformation of all archived SPICE data to PDS4 standards when PDS4 is stable and ready for ingest –Will correct a few current issues at the same time User consulting continues to be a significant part of NAIF staff daily work 4 NAIF Node
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Summary - 2 Need to revise our SPICE training curriculum –Plan to break the current class into two or more units: »Beginner »Advanced »Kernel producer? »SPICE archive producer? Training –Next SPICE training class will be September 13-15, near Pasadena –49 people are enrolled, including 9 foreign 5 NAIF Node, continued
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Summary - 3 Ongoing major SPICE development work –Java Native Interface (JNI) Toolkit »Alpha-test version is already being used by several groups –New shape models »Digital terrain model »Tessellated plate model Already in use on Hayabusa, DAWN, Rosetta, MEX and PhSRM 6 PDS funded SPICE Development Phobos Itokawa Vesta
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Summary - 4 AMMOS funds three NAIF activities: –“New Development” »“WebGeocalc” You saw the demo Looking for your feedback –“Sustaining” »Funds used to port the Toolkit to new environments, and to accommodate infrastructure changes –“Repair” »Funds used to zap bugs 7 AMMOS* funded SPICE Development *Advanced Multi-Mission Operations System
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Summary - 5 Ongoing SPICE operations for NASA flight projects are generally going well Upcoming NASA missions set to use SPICE are: –MSL, JUNO, GRAIL, MAVEN, SMAP (earth science) Unknown status re SPICE »LADEE, OSIRIS-REx, Mars 2016, Mars 2018 Archive production by missions is generally going well. However… –No sign of the final LCROSS input from Ames, needed for NAIF to complete the LCROSS SPICE archive 8 NASA Flight Projects (not funded by PDS)
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Summary - 6 ESA (MEX, VEX, Rosetta) –Occasional operations problems at ESAC –Archive increments are slow to come and often need fixes ISRO –Say they want more SPICE training (presumably for Luna-Resurs) RSA –NAIF cooperation with Phobos Sample Return is good –Support for Luna-Resurs (for both RSA and ISRO) will be proposed to NASA, if a SALMON or similar opportunity opens up JAXA –NASA support for VCO was cancelled after VOI failure –A Hayabusa archive was prepared by NAIF, using a variety of inputs –Unclear as to other SPICE activities CAS/CSSAR –YH-1 has “shelved” plans for using SPICE with NASA help –But they are using SPK for trajectory exchange with Russia 9 International Flight Projects (A mixed bag of funding)
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Archive Status 10 Mars Odyssey Cassini MER Rovers MRO MESSENGER New Horizons Mars Express (ESA) Venus Express (ESA) Rosetta (ESA) LRO NExT EPOXI DAWN MSL Juno GRAIL Phobos-Grunt (RSA) MAVEN Magellan Galileo Phoenix LCROSS ? LADEE
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF NAIF’s Questions for PDS and HQS Comments on WebGeocalc? Does/will PDS2010 count on any SPICE capabilities not currently available? Should PDS strive to have “all” instrument teams create at least a minimal set of consistent observation geometry parameters, to be placed in product labels and/or data set index files? –To be used in PDS4 data searches –Similar to “geolib” used on MEX and VEX Suggest the IPDA drop SPICE from further consideration. –Little interest from the advisory group –SPICE is largely a de facto standard –Inappropriate to have a standard that is substantially unusable by a member agency Suggestions for improving SPICE training? 11