AIM: Why did Europeans look to explore the world? How did each of the following developments affect European exploration? 1. The Crusades 2. Invention of the Printing Press 3. European Monarchs try to increase their power and wealth. 4. Portuguese open up sea routes to the spice trade in Asia.
The Crusades From about , Christians and Muslims fought a series of holy wars for control of the Holy Land. Large numbers of Europeans traveled to the Middle East. Increase in trade with Arabs led to increased knowledge. Europeans learned about new instruments like the Magnetic Compass that made it easier to sail across large bodies of water.
Invention of the Printing Press With the Printing Press, large numbers of books could be printed at low cost. Books became more available, more people began to read. People learned more about the world around them.
European monarchs try to increase power and wealth Rulers of England, France, Portugal, and Spain looked for ways to increase their wealth. Wanted to trade with Asia, but Arab and Italian merchants controlled trade routes across the Mediterranean Sea. So they looked for a different route to Asia.
Portuguese open up sea routes to the spice trade in Asia Spanish compete with Portuguese They send Columbus across the Atlantic to find a new route to Asia He reaches America