NoSQL, No SQL!!, No, SQL? Raj Nair, Penton
Variety is the spice of life Key-Value stores Document stores ColumnFam ily Graph Hybrid Spice can lead to heartburn
General Advantages Programmer friendly Web friendly No pre-defined schemasBetter
General Challenges More onus on the applicationLose the power of SQLDifferent needs can require different stores How much do you care about “immediate consistency” ?Good knowledge of access patterns for schema design
Key-Value stores Simple Fast Uses hash table/dict of keys and values Super fast for key based access Session Management High frequency atomic operations Caching
Document stores Rich Powerful Uses JSON format Structure Indexing capabilities REST interfaces Non-key based queries Schema All of that at Scale
Columnar Stores (Special Mention) Physical storage is “column” basedRows only materialized in memory Great for analysis/warehouse type workload Billions of rows, you want only a handful of columns Faster aggregation
Column Family Flexible High Scale Uses No format imposed Read/write Low latency Logs Messaging Temporal/TimeSeries
Graph databases Niche Uses Model Pairwise relations Networked systems Triple stores or RDF Recommendation engine base (matches on dating sites?)
“Other” Postgres – has built KV storage, HStoreRDF / triple stores – specialized graph storesXML storesNew SQL – yeah really!!
My “Hypothesis” – Long Tail, Data Applications using data Data available for active use PB100 TB50 TB500 TB500 GB Single server RDBMS Clustered RDBMS Upto low 100s of GB 100’s of GB to few TBs ** Not to Scale ** Illustrative only NoSQL
Workload Economics Mins to hours $ per GB <200 ms $$ per GB $$$$ per GB In-memory - Few GBs Operational NoSQL - 100’s GBs to few TBs Analytic NoSQL - TBs to 100’s TB Hadoop - TBs to PBs > 200 ms to 2 secs $$$ per GB Few seconds to minutes * Nieman Marcus approach presented at TDWI Solution Summit 2014
Popular Document Stores MongoDBCouchDB/CouchBase BenefitsDeveloper friendly Indexing Operations friendly, Easy scale out Caching support ChallengesHarder to scale, sharding, keys, write locks Unique query design, complex index creation CAPLeans towards “C”Leans towards “A” So when do I use it? - Your RDBMS is growing out of a single server environment or you are in clustered RDBMS mode - You’d rather respond correctly or not give an answer at all - You are anticipating a 2-4 node cluster - When low latency is a high priority for you - Additionally, you want richness of document store with query flexibility -Scale out management needs to be friendly -You prefer that app always gets a response
ColumnFamily HBaseCassandra BenefitsReally scales!! Columns and Rows!SQL “like” query language ChallengesLeaves a lot to the application code No query language Unique query design, complex index creation CAPLeans towards “C”Leans towards “A” So when do I use it? When eventual consistency is not an option, but you can live with “less availability” When you have a finite number of key- based access patterns When your programmers are comfortable buidling queries You are working on the Hadoop stack and prefer strong Hadoop integration When you need When query patterns are more complicated and you need to use secondary indexes When your developers prefer an “SQL like” interface for queries
Everyone has a say Dictionaries, variables, objects, arrays How many systems? Who has the skills? Stability Easy to meet changing needs, flexibility SLAs App Developer Ops Business Customer