Practical steps in using multiple software quality models in a synergic way Dr. Katalin Balla SQI Hungarian Software Quality Consulting Institute Ltd. CEE-SPI, 2008 November 4-5, 2008 Budapest, Hungary
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 2 / 24 Contents Introduction Actual needs of software developers A vision / framework to use multiple quality models in a synergic way Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way Conclusion, further possibilities
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 3 / 24 Introduction – About us Founded in March 2004 ( Devoted to support software quality management and development, dealing with this subject in its complexity connect software specialists working in the commercial world with those working in the academic and research areas.
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 4 / 24 Contents Introduction Actual needs of software developers A vision / framework to use multiple quality models in a synergic way Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way Conclusion, further possibilities
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 5 / 24 Actual needs of (Hungarian) software developers Software companies experience more and more the requirement of producing provably good - quality software, “certified software”, as a condition for staying in the market.
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 6 / 24 Actual needs of (Hungarian) software developers What to certify Product, process, resources… According to what standard / model? ISO 9001, AQAP, CMMI, A- SPICE, ISO 9126, CC… How to get efficient results (from certification and SPI)? Do SPI by using more quality models in a synergic way!!!! ISO 9126 CC Process Product Resource Def QA Metric Objects Attributes PM methodologies People CMM GQM ISO 9001:2000 SPICE CMMI ISO Automotive SPICE TSP, PSP
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 7 / 24 Contents Introduction Actual needs of software developers A vision / framework to use multiple quality models in a synergic way Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way Conclusion, further possibilities
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 8 / 24 The QMIM framework Scope: give a solution to the problems mentioned before Framework (not the n+1-th approach!) Was developed during a case study Helps identifying the important elements of software quality Helps finding one’s way among the existing software quality models, standards, approaches Supports software process improvement by following small steps
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 9 / 24 Elements of the QMIM framework ProductProcess Resource Definition Quality attribute Metric
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 10 / 24 Elements of the QMIM framework ProductTechnicalProcess Resource Definition Quality attribute Metric PMProcess
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 11 / 24 The way of using QMIM in different organisations Describe actual situation QMS-i QMS-i+1 Assess QMS-i Decide on improvement Implement improvement Readiness of organisation QMIM Body of literature Business goals Start
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 12 / 24 Contents Introduction Actual needs of software developers A vision / framework to use multiple quality models in a synergic way Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way Conclusion, further possibilities
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 13 / 24 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way Main goal: Common vision of Q-issues One QMS… …containing all elements of Q, important at a certain moment for the company …having „parts” compliant to the standards / approaches important at a certain moment for the company …completed systematically with new elements / standards / approaches that become important for the company
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 14 / 24 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way PM TP Product Definition Quality attribute Metric PM TP Product Defiinition Quality attribute Metric Our recommendation:
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 15 / 24 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way Develop a PM system! Use elements of a PM methodology! (PRINCE, PMBOK, elements of RUP etc.) Put in place an ISO 9001:2000 conform QMS! Take into account ISO 90003:2004 recommendations! X (Complete the QMS with elements from CMMI (DEV, ACQ and / or SVC)) … X (Complete the QMS with elements from Automotive SPICE) … X (Use ISO 9126 to define product quality attributes and metrics) ISO 14598, ISO Define your product types Use GQM for metrics!... Continue by using elements of further models, as business drives you!!!
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 16 / 24 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way One example: Completing and ISO 9001:2000-based QMS for CMMI compliance (We assume that a PM system exists – possibly as part of the QMS) Practical steps: Understand and compare ISO 9001:2000 and CMMI Both are process-oriented approaches… Understand similarities and differences in scope, structure, terminology… CMMI: what is the scope? (certain PA’s, certain CL’s, certain ML?) Look to your business goals when defining scope! Gap-analysis Missing elements SPI plan Make sure you keep ISO 9001:2000 compliance!!!
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 17 / 24 ISO 9001 – CMMI: basic differences - examples Using results of Zádor Dániel Kelemen: Comparing ISO 9001:2000 to CMMI (2007) ISO 9001:2000CMMI Structure, elements … StandardModel (set of best practices) Applicable for any business domainApplicable for the IT sector All requirements must be fulfilled for complianceStep-by-step approach (staged, continuous … ) Brief (concise) descriptionsDetailed description, informative components No guidelines for implementation (use: ISO 9004)Gives guidance in implementation and insitutionalization Only very high level guidelines for process improvementDetailed guidelines on process improvement Terminology Top managementHigher-level management; senior management) Quality Management System (QMS)(Organizational) Set of Standard Processes Quality Plan(Project Plan, Software Development Plan, System Engineering Management Plan, Data Management Plan) RecordWork product, record, evidence of implementation
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 18 / 24 ISO 9001 requirements in CMMI Using results of SQI and Zádor Dániel Kelemen: Comparing ISO 9001:2000 to CMMI (2007)
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 19 / 24 From ISO 9001 to CMMI Process capability profile according to CMMI found in 8 ISO 9001:2000-certified companies, where no previous CMMI-based SPI was conducted (IKKK-GVOP )
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 20 / 24 Some basic ideas Transform the way of doing Quality Management Continuous QM, phased to projects (already at ML2 / CL2) Product quality management (recommends ISO 9126) Measurement Make use of existing quality goals and metrics Build context-dependent quality profiles (eg. by product type) Use GQM (Goal-Question-Metric paradigm) Do continuous measurement for important quality attributes of products, processes, resources Do not forget: all PA’s need an attached measurement already at CL2! Moving from an ISO 9001-conform QMS towards CMMI
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 21 / 24 Some basic ideas (cont.) Define and implement „baselines” and configuration audits Describe estimation and risk management process (first at project level) Plan, monitor, control all PA’s in scope ! Define a system to ensure bidirectional traceability of requirements! ML/CL3: Technical processes Define technical processes (possibility: make use of product types defined – probably, each is connected to one technology!) Standard processes and tailoring guidelines Moving from an ISO 9001-conform QMS towards CMMI
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 22 / 24 Contents Introduction Actual needs of software developers A vision / framework to use multiple quality models in a synergic way Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way Conclusion, further possibilities
4-5 November 2008 Practical steps in using multiple quality models in a synergic way 23 / 24 Conclusion One vision for QM – one QMS! Start by using the elements / standards / models important for your business! Having QMIM framework in mind… … the existing, solid QMS can be enhanced with new elements, required by the actual business goals … there will be no (or very few) overlaps and redundancies
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