Colonization and Spanish Conquest. Focus: 11-20  You are a Native American living in central Mexico. A group of white invaders are involved in a battle.


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Presentation transcript:

Colonization and Spanish Conquest

Focus:  You are a Native American living in central Mexico. A group of white invaders are involved in a battle with the nearby Aztecs. You and other native groups have hated the Aztecs, who rule the land harshly. However, you are frightened by these newcomers who ride on large animals and fire loud weapons. Many of your friends are joining different sides of the fight.  Which side would you fight for?  What are the risks involved with both sides?

Christopher Columbus and Early Exploration  Christopher Columbus began exploration for Spain in the Atlantic. His original goal was to find a shorter route to Asia. His voyages, along with other Spanish explorers were paid for by the Spanish monarchs.

Christopher Columbus and Early Exploration  Columbus’s three ships, the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria set sail in 1492 and landed on an island in the Bahamas and claimed it for Spain. They would eventually call it San Salvador or “Holy Savior.”

Spanish Interests  The Spanish were interested in gold and land. He and other explorers went on expeditions to establish colonies or lands controlled by another nation. Because of the success of the Spanish, other European nations wanted colonies overseas as well.

Other Explorers  Some other European explorers of the time were Pedro Alvarez of Portugal, Amerigo Vespucci of Italy, Vasco de Balboa and Juan Ponce de Leon who explored Florida and claimed it for Spain.

Ferdinand Magellan  Magellan began a voyage to the Pacific Ocean in He and his men sailed around the southern tip of South America to Guam and the Philippines. Because the journey was so long (3 years), many of Magellan’s men died from disease and starvation. Magellan was killed in battle. His crew became the first people to circumnavigate or sail around the world.

Hernan Cortes and the Conquest of the Aztecs  Cortes and his men landed in Mexico in 1519 looking to claim lands for Spain. He brought soldiers called conquistadors (conquerors) looking for riches. Cortes and his men traveled inland to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. Cortes met with the Aztec leader, Montezuma who thought Cortes was an iron-clad god.

Cont’d  The Aztecs agreed to give the Spanish some gold but it was not enough. Eventually, the Aztecs attacked the Spanish, but Cortes counterattacked using some of the other native tribes against the Aztecs.

Advantages of the Spanish  The Spanish had been severely outnumbered and still defeated the Aztecs. Some of their advantages included  1. Superior Weapons  2. Help of other native tribes who disliked the Aztecs Aztecs 3. Disease wiped out thousands of the Aztecs. 3. Disease wiped out thousands of the Aztecs.

Francisco Pizarro and the Incas  Pizarro and 200 men conquered the Incas and captured their leader Atahualpa. They received large amounts of gold and silver for his release. They took the gifts and still strangled the Incan leader.

The Success of Spanish Colonization  Spain became the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world. Ships full of gold continually sailed to Spain, therefore they built a powerful navy for protection. That navy never lost a battle for a century and a half.

Spain’s Influence  Conquistadors were accompanied by priests who wanted to convert natives to christianity. Priests also spoke out against the cruel treatment of natives by the Spanish. The Spanish would not let the natives practice their rituals. This, along with mistreatment and slavery caused many of the natives to resist.

Subliminal Message  Study  You need to study for your tests