European Explorations Glory, God, & Gold
Cycle of Conquest & Colonization Explorers Conquistadores Missionaries Permanent Settlers Official European Colony!
Three Types of Colonies Differences resulting from economic basis Slave plantation economies – Caribbean, Brazil, some in southern North America Settler agricultural economies – Northern North America Ranching/mining economies – former Aztec and Inca lands
The Colonial Class System PeninsularesPeninsulares CreolesCreoles MestizosMestizosMulattosMulattos Native Indians Black Slaves
Ethnic Composition in Colonial Latin America (1825) Spanish AmericaBrazil European18.2%23.4% Mixed-race28.3%17.8% African11.9%49.8% Native American41.7%9.1%
Destination of Slaves in 1700s British North America6% (348,000) Spanish America10% (578,600) Caribbean53% (3, 233,700) Brazil31%(1,891,400)
Class/Gov’t Structure Spanish born = most elite Wealthy colonials = powerful Large, intrusive gov’t bureaucracy = Council of the Indies Influences of Africans, Amerindians, and Europe blended to form new cultures = syncretism! Little female immigration = more fluid social classes!
The Influence of the Colonial Catholic Church Guadalajara Cathedral Guadalajara Cathedral Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of Guadalupe Spanish Mission Spanish Mission
Catholic influence = extremely strong Richest institution in Latin Am. Undercurrents of native religions remained
Father Bartolome de Las Casas New Laws --> 1542 Attempted to stop the exploitation of Indians
Potosi silver mine, Bolivia Encomienda/Mita labor systems used to force extraction Silver shipped through Spanish Philippines to purchase Asian luxury goods Monarchy tried to stop that practice…why?
Examples of Native American & Slave Resistance In many areas, Amerindians secretly kept up their own religious practices – Maya areas were persecuted by the Catholic viceroy after a cave of their gods was found – Incas attempted to preserve the mummies of their emperors. These also were destroyed Armed rebellions - Palmares, a small independent state of escaped-slaves
Silver Peso Standard World currency
Treasures from the Americas!