NGfL CYMRU GCaD How will I carry out my historical enquiry?
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Historical Enquiry In carrying your historical enquiry it is important that you understand what is expected of you. An enquiry follows a three part process but can you put things into the correct order? REFLECT REFLECT DEVELOP DEVELOP PLANPLANREFLECT REFLECT DEVELOP DEVELOP REFLECT REFLECT PLANPLANPLANPLANDEVELOP DEVELOP REFLECT REFLECT DEVELOP DEVELOP PLAN PLAN Check answers Make use of your own knowledge, skills and understanding to decide how to carry an enquiry and decide on success criteria. You will consider the evidence, information and ideas; think about cause and effect, and form your own opinions and making decisions. Here you will evaluate your own learning and review what has been achieved in respect to your success criteria.
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Historical Enquiry You need to carry your historical enquiry going through the three steps below: PLANPLANDEVELOPDEVELOPREFLECTREFLECT Study the following slides to study some possible questions that may help you work through the three stages of your enquiry. It is important to note that you won’t answer these all at once, instead you should work through things step by step.
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Planning What do you know about the conquest of Wales in the 13 th century? Make use of your own knowledge, skills and understanding. What skills do you think are needed to carry out an enquiry? Which of these skills do you have and which might you need to build up? What information will you need to find out? Decide on how to carry out an enquiry Where might you be able to find out the information needed? How are you going to present your information? What would you need to do to carry out a successful enquiry? Decide on success criteria How will you know if you are successful? What does your teacher think? Click to reveal questions
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Developing What can you find out about the effects of the Conquest of Wales? Consider the evidence, information and ideas. How can you show the difference between fact and opinion relating to the Welsh conquest? Why must you consider bias when using sources? How can you describe different causes and effects? Think about cause and effect. Can you explain and give reasons for different conclusions about the Conquest? How can you use previous knowledge to examine inferences? Have you formed judgments based on arguments for and against? Form your own opinions and making decisions. Have you considered the views of others? Have you considered the views of different historians? Click to reveal questions
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Reflecting What did you achieve? Review what has been achieved. To what extent were your targets reached? How would you change your targets if you did this again? Can you describe how you carried out your enquiry? Review how the enquiry was carried out. Can you say what worked and what didn’t? What would you differently next time? Can you say what you have learnt about the effects of the Conquest? Evaluate own learning. Are you able to explain how you learnt? Can you explain what other strategies you might use next time? Click to reveal questions
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Historical Enquiry In summary you need to do the following: AskAsk and answer historical questions DevelopDevelop lines of enquiry UseUse a range of sources SelectSelect information from sources and summarise it IdentifyIdentify sources that are useful EvaluateEvaluate historical sources ReachReach supported conclusions EvaluateEvaluate how successful the enquiry was