{ European Age of Exploration Rape, Murder, Genocide, Slavery, and Exploitation
Third son of the Portuguese King Became fascinated with Africa after conquering the Muslim city of Ceuta - Encountered the Trans Saharan Trade Sponsored a number of exploratory voyages - Sailed to and colonized the Azores (1427) - Conquered the Canary Islands - Reached the African coast south of the Sahara Henry the Navigator ( )
Encomienda System Began during the Reconquista - Helped Spanish to govern conquered land Nobles could claim conquered land (Haciendas) - Did not actually own land (belonged to crown) - Made people living there work for the - Nobles responsible for souls of tenants Important for second and third sons
Conquest of the Yucatan “The Maya” actually refer to a language group - About 120 related languages Many “lowland” Maya lived on the Yucatan By 1440 the last major city was abandoned Political alliances of villages
Conquest of the Yucatan First attempt to conquer Yucatan ended poorly - Spanish got raped (figuratively) - Mayans were great at ambushing - Spanish begin settlement in 1526 (under Montejo) - By 1535 they are all dead or have left
What were some of the challenges the Spanish faced in their first attempt to conquer the Yucatan?
Conquest of the Yucatan Between 1535 and 1540 there is a Mayan civil war - Xiu vs. Cocom (powerful Mayan families) Spanish (under Montejo's son) find conquest much easier when they return - Joined by the Xiu - Europeans wage total war Also a drought and a famine
Francisco Pizarro The Incan Empire was on the verge of collapse - Bureaucracy build on expansion of territory - What are problems you can foresee with this? - Several civil wars over succession - Nationalism of ethnic groups within the Empire Pizarro led several expeditions attempting to conquer Andes - Largest and the successful one was in 1530
Machu Picchu
Francisco Pizarro Captured the Incan ruler, Atahualpa, in Forced him to fill a 374sq.ft. room with Gold - Executed Atahualpa anyway - Killed by a garrote (his wind pipe was slowly crushed) Captured the city of Cuzco the same year - Some Andeans escape to the Punas (grasslands over ft)
Make a list : What were some of the causes of Spanish Exploration/Domination in the “New World”? What were some factors that helped them succeed in their domination of indigenous empires?
Hernando Cortez Young Nobleman who traveled to the New World Defied order from Governor of Cuba and led an expedition to Mexico - Eventually got recognition from the crown Conquered the Aztec people - Allied with Tlaxcala and other native groups - Aztec population had been devastated by smallpox - Superior weapons and armor Did they view him as a god?