If you do not provide a bibliography it is immediately plagiarism! You must provide a completed bibliography by Wednesday 2:30pm. If you need any book titles etc from class then stay this lunch to write them up. Bibliographies for Internal
Get into teams of 3 or 4 In your teams, you need to come up with 10 questions relating to Alexander the Great and the content we have studied so far. You MUST provide the answer to each question! Welcome back!
6 Credits Candidates will be expected to have an understanding of the following themes: leadership and power culture and identity political and religious ideologies conflict. Questions may cover more than one theme and answers MUST be supported with PRIMARY EVIDENCE Standard Analyse the impact of a significant historical figure on the classical world Alexander the Great
To what extent did Alexander’s consolidation of power following the death of Philip demonstrate effective leadership?
Explain the reasons why Alexander’s visit to Troy was of significance Explain how Alexander set about conquering the Persian empire Learning Objectives
Why do you think Alexander decided to visit Troy? Alexander’s visit to Troy
The Battle of Granicus, 334 BC
Using Hamilton p.55 onwards read through the events and outcome of the Battle of Granicus completing the questions in your work book as you go. Continue onto Miletus (p59-60) and Halicarnassus (p60-61) and complete the questions. The Battle of Granicus, 334 BC
What was the significance of this victory? What spoils did Alexander send to Athens? Why do you think he did this? You are a messenger, reporting the success at Granicus to the Athenians. What aspects of the battle would you focus on and why? How significant was the Battle of Granicus?
Watch the following clip What do you think about the significance of this event? Why did Alexander attempt this task? Was it a risk? What did he gain from it? The Gordian Knot