7.24 Describe and locate the Mongol conquest of China including Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan.
If YOU were there….. You are a farmer in northern China in 1212. As you pull weeks from a wheat field, you hear a sound like thunder Looking toward the sound, you see hundreds-no thousands- of armed horsemen on the horizon, riding straight toward you. You are frozen with fear. Only one thought fills your mind- the dreaded Mongols are coming. What can you do to save yourself?
Building Background Throughout its history, northern China had been attacked over and over by nomadic peoples. During the Song dynasty these attacks became more frequent and threatening.
The Mongol Empire Mongols lived for years in the north part of China In 1206, a powerful leader, or khan, united them His name was Temujin When he became the leader, he received the name Genghis Khan, which means Universal Ruler
The Mongol Conquest Genghis Khan organized the Mongols into a powerful army and led them on bloody conquests. The brutality of the conquest terrorized people throughout much of Asia and Easter Europe. When Genghis Khan and his army killed all of the people of the village they conquered. In 20 years, he ruled much of Asia
Mongol Conquests
Mongol Conquest Genghis Khan focused his attention to China He led his armies into Northern China in 1211 They worked their way south and on the way destroying towns and ruining farmland By the time Genghis Khan died in 1227, he ruled all of northern China. His grandson, Kublai Khan became ruler and finished the conquest of China in 1279. He declared himself Emperor of China
Life in Yuan China Kublai Khan and Mongol rulers he led belonged to a different ethnic group than the Chinese did Spoke different language Worshipped different Gods Wore different clothing Had different Customs Chinese resented being ruled by the foreigners Rude and Uncivilized
Life in Yuan China Kublai Khan didn’t force the Chinese to accept Mongol way of life Mongols even adopted some aspects of Chinese culture such as Confucianism Mongols kept control of the Chinese people Heavy Taxes Kept Chinese scholars from gaining to much power Yuan extended the grand canal built new roads
Life in Yuan China Mongol soldiers were sent to keep peace throughout China The soldiers kept overland traders and merchants safe Mongol emperors also welcomed foreign traders in Chinese ports A lot of what we know from Mongol and China history came from the trader Marco Polo He was respected by the Mongols He was even in Kublai Khan’s court When Marco Polo went back to Europe, he wrote his stories down and the Europeans gained interest in China
The End of the Yuan Dynasty Despite having all of China, the Mongols weren’t satisfied. Mongols decided to invade Japan Sea Ride to Japan The campaigns were disastrous Violent Storms Fierce defenders destroyed the Mongol army Back at Home The expensive projects hurt the economy back in China It led to a rebellion
The End of the Yuan Dynasty In the 1300’s, many Chinese groups rebelled against the Yuan dynasty. In 1368 a former monk name Zhu Yuanzhang took charge of a rebel army. He led this army to a final victory over the Mongols China was once again ruled by the Chinese