Political Divisions & Religious Warfare I HST 311.


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Presentation transcript:

Political Divisions & Religious Warfare I HST 311

Wars of Religion The Horror of the Religious Wars leaves a lasting impression on Europe and gives rise to Serious Debates Over the Issue of Religious Toleration Big Question: What is the Proper Role of the State in Matters of Religion?

Protestant Reformation Martin Luther Justification by Faith Bible vs Tradition Priesthood of all Believers

Protestant Reformation John Calvin

Henry VIII ( ) Reign English Reformation

COUNCIL OF TRENT Internal Reform of Corruption in Church Internal Reform of Corruption in Church Affirms that both Faith & Good Works Necessary for Salvation Affirms that both Faith & Good Works Necessary for Salvation Intersession of Saints, Indulgences, Purgatory Intersession of Saints, Indulgences, Purgatory Affirms the Importance of Bible & Tradition Affirms the Importance of Bible & Tradition Affirms the Validity of Seven Sacraments Affirms the Validity of Seven Sacraments Affirms Transubstantiation Affirms Transubstantiation

Ignatius of Loyola ( ) and the Jesuits Biography Biography Society of Jesus Society of Jesus Spiritual Exercises Spiritual Exercises Schools and Education Schools and Education The Miracles of St. Ignatius, Rubens 1617

Religious Situation in Europe

Religions in Europe

Wars of Religion Dynastic & Religious: Political, Religious & Ideological Dynastic & Religious: Political, Religious & Ideological Schmalkaldic Wars ( ) and Peace of Augsburg 1555 – cujus regio, ejus religio Schmalkaldic Wars ( ) and Peace of Augsburg 1555 – cujus regio, ejus religio French Wars of Religion, French Wars of Religion, Revolt in the Netherlands, Revolt in the Netherlands,

Elizabeth I ( ) Reign Edward VI Mary Tudor

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, Hapsburg vs Valois Francis I, King of France,

Philip II King of Spain and Ruler of the Netherlands and the Spanish Colonial Empire

Henry II Diane de Poitiers

Francis II at age 15 and wife Mary Queen of Scots at age 17 in 1558

Charles IX Henry III

Francis, Duke of Anjou Margaret of Valois

Assassination of Henry III by Dominican Friar Jacques Clement

Elizabeth of Valois Philip II of Spain

Catherine de' Medici Power Behind the Throne During The French Wars of Religion

French Wars of Religion, Catholic vs Huguenot Catholic vs Huguenot Major Families – Valois, Guise, Bourbon Major Families – Valois, Guise, Bourbon Henry II ( ) Valois Dynasty Henry II ( ) Valois Dynasty –Francis II ( ) –Charles IX ( ) –Henry III ( ) Henry IV ( ) Bourbon Dynasty Henry IV ( ) Bourbon Dynasty Edict of Nantes, 1598 Edict of Nantes, 1598

St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, August 23, 1572 Religious Violence Religious Violence The Importance of the State in Catholic Revival The Importance of the State in Catholic Revival

Henry IV of France As Duc of Navarre he was the Leader of the Huguenots. Established the Bourbon Dynasty in France

United Provinces, Spanish Netherlands

Duke of Alba Enters Netherlands in 1567 William of Orange Leads Rebellion in 1568

The Spanish Armanda, 1588

The Thirty Years’ War