2015 Academic A Nationalism and Decolonization in Africa Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Tuesday, February 3, 3015 Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Thursday, February 5, 2015
Day One: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---The teacher is going to read aloud the primary source. As she does, you should be using Active Reading Strategies. Then you and your partner, using your Colonial Empires Graphic Organizer Notes from the last lesson, will answer the Reflection Questions.
Day One: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Reflection Questions: How does Chief Kabongo characterize the differences regarding life in Kenya between the days before British conquest and the 1950’s? Give two different examples to support your answer. Summary of Differences: Example One: Example Two: What words and phrases does Kabongo use to express his emotions and attitudes regarding the changes? Give two different examples and explain how they are used. Summary of Emotions and Attitudes: What negative effects of imperialism are addressed in the primary document? Provide two examples. Negative Effect from Notes Evidence in the Primary Document 1) 2)
Day One: Tuesday, February 2, 2015 Class: It was due to both the positive and negative effects of imperialism that African nationalism developed and a growing demand for independence. It is probably easy to think of how all the negative effects led to that. But what positive effects do you think led to nationalism? Why? Class: The teacher is going to begin the Reasons for Decolonization PowerPoint Lecture, and you are to take notes in the provided graphic organizer. Homework: Work on the revisions of your Imperialism Editorial. It is due in three class periods.
Day Two: Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Class: The teacher is going to finish the Reasons for Decolonization PowerPoint Lecture, and you should finish taking notes in the graphic organizer. Individual: You are now going to research and see how four different African nations attained their independence from the European powers. You will the two identified sources to get the notes for the second graphic organizer examining specific examples of how independence was achieved.
Day Two: Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Resources: BEGIN WITH THIS: Photocopied Supplemental Reading entitled “Decolonization Group A”. This reading covers: Algeria Ghana Kenya Congo Problems Facing New African Nations. BBC Interactive Website: “BBC The Story of Africa Index”. At this website, you will click on the sub-headings of: From Gold Coast to Ghana Case Study: Algeria Case Study: Congo Case Study: Kenya Homework: Continue to work on revising your Imperialism Editorial. It is due in two class periods.
Thursday, February 5, 2015 Individual: You will have the class period to use the laptops to visit the BBC Interactive Website to get the rest of the information for the second graphic organizer. Homework: Finish revising your Imperialism Editorial. It is due the next class period. Make sure you have the following: Order: Pink Grade Sheet Behind the Grade Sheet, the Final Draft of Imperialism Editorial. Behind the Final Draft of the Editorial, the Completed Peer Editing Handout on your Rough Draft. Behind the Peer Editing Handout, your Rough Draft. Behind the Rough Draft, the completed Pre-Write Organizer.