D.I.Y Dicom Server! J. O’Brien Department of Physics and Nuclear Medicine, City Hospital, Birmingham Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust
Introduction Conducting a multi-centre trial Needed to share/send patient images via Other centres did not have Philips cameras (tut tut!) So share images using Interfile But….. Interfile images were cobbled! (another story!) Have a go at sending images in Dicom format instead How do we do that? And what is Dicom?
What is Dicom??? Digital Imaging & Communications in Medicine Standard image file format created by NEMA
A Hypothetical Dicom File Patient info (name, DOB, sex) Image info (number of images) Study info (scan date, institution) The Header (Lots of text that describes the image) The Image
What is Dicom??? Aims to aid the distribution and viewing of medical images (e.g. CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasound) Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Standard image file format created by NEMA
So How do I convert Odyssey Images to Dicom? Read the Manual! Asking Philips Engineers Ask around! Cannot simply create a Dicom file Have to send Dicom images to a Dicom Server….. What’s a Dicom Server…..???
What’s a Dicom Server ? It’s a networked PC running a ‘program’ that will accept Dicom images. Install a Dicom Server Program on my PC
Getting a Dicom Server Program Try Google!
Getting a Dicom Server Program Try Google!
Conquest Dicom Server
Co-Written by Marcel Van Herk Features… Complete DICOM Interface. Including SCP’s for run-time programmable storage IOD’s, and SCP for DICOM Queries and Retrieves. …….Keh ???? Easy installation Good performance £ Free One program does it all (server & viewer)
Download Conquest
Installing Conquest on PC Easy Installation Extract Files to the PC hard drive C:\dicomserver Run the program called ConquestDICOMServer.exe
Installing Conquest on PC Select Database
Installing Conquest on PC Enter an Application Entity Title & Port Number (In English, give the program a name and number!) That’s it! Your PC is now a Dicom server, ready to receive images from the Odyssey
Setting up the Odyssey Enter the IP address of the PC in the hosts file In a unix shell type … cd /etc [enter] nedit hosts [enter] Don’t be scared!
Setting up the Odyssey Tell the Odyssey’s Dicom program about Conquest In a unix shell type … configure [enter]
Setting up the Odyssey Enter details of Conquest Server! Help!
Setting up the Odyssey Enter details of Conquest Server! Help! Enter number of program Enter name of program Enter the IP address or ‘name’ Enter workbench text That’s it!
Summary Installed Conquest Dicom Server Name: conquestsrv1 Number: 5678 IP address: Told the Odyssey about the Conquest Dicom Server Name: conquestsrv1 Number: 5678 What PC it sit on (IP address)
It works! Odyssey My PC
Can we do anything else? Yes! send retrieve If we can retrieve (pull) data back to the Odyssey, could we use the Dicom server as an Archive??
To Retrieve Data Program Conquest with Odyssey Information Program Odyssey to Import
To Retrieve Data On the Odyssey, Get the images from Conquest
Comparison Compare image, counts, pixel size, etc, etc Pre DicomPost Dicom No Difference
Further Work Do other types of images retrieve OK? Do we need more than one server on a PC? Can we put the Dicom Server in a remote ‘off site’ position e.g in the IT department? Can we set Odyssey to automatically archive data? Is there better server software available?
Conclusions Setup a FREE Dicom server in our department It works! Have the ability to convert Patient images to Dicom, enabling us to share data with other centres. Given the department another option for backing- up/archiving of data, which is handy for long term storage