The Asian Pacific Conflict
Japan is a densely populated and mountainous archipelago.
A lack of natural resources and agricultural land push the country to seek wealth elsewhere.
How would Japan do this? During the 1920s, the country was divided into two factions:
1. Liberals - bankers and capitalists who believe they must trade for resources
2. Militarists – who thought they must conquer to get new territories
In 1932, Japan invaded Manchuria.
Fearing communism, Japan signed an Anti-Comintern Pact with Hitler in 1936.
In 1937, it captured more territory from China.
American reaction?
The US limits its exports, which angers Japan.
A. Oil B. Steel C. Copper D. Industrial equipment
In 1939, while the world watched Hitler in Poland, Japan invaded Indochina (present-day Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam)
In 1940, Japan’s conquest continued. A. French Indochina. B. British Malaya & Burma. C. The Dutch East Indies
Roosevelt reacts….
1. He sends his Pacific Fleet to Pearl Harbour.
2. He imposes an embargo on Japan.
A. Create a sphere of influence in South-East Asia B. Force out the Europeans C. Gain control over natural resources D. To dominate all S-EAsian markets Hirohito’s dream … an empire
Faced with this crisis Japan has two options:
1. Negotiate
2. Wage war
To win, Japan wanted a war that would be... quick apide decisive and
1. America’s industrial superiority
2. Japan’s lack of natural resources
Japan would lose in a long and drawn out conflict against the US
How can Japan defeat an opponent this powerful? !
A surprise attack against a military and industrial giant
On December 7, 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. It is a partial success. Much of the American Pacific fleet is destroyed.
This allows Japan to continue its conquests.
It takes a year for the US to regroup and rebuild its fleet and repel the Japanese
The most important weapons in this theatre of war are aircraft carriers
…and aircraft
The US must capture island after island, which is a long and a very costly waste of human lives
The battles
1. Pearl Harbor - surprise Japanese attack December 7, 1941
2. Battle of the Coral Sea- first time the Japanese advance was stopped- May 1942
3. Battle of Midway – US destroys 4 of Japan’s aircraft carriers- June 1942
4. Iwo Jima – The US captures the island but marines are killed- this allows easy bombing of Japan February1945
5. Hiroshima and Nagasaki – The US drops 2 atomic bombs killing about people – Japan surrenders August 1945
Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima Fat Man was dropped on Nagasaki
Before the bomb After
The present-day park at the epicentre of the bombing in Hiroshima.
I realize the tragic significance of the atomic bomb... It is an awful responsibility which has come to us... We thank God that it has come to us, instead of to our enemies; and we pray that He may guide us to use it in His ways and for His purposes. — Harry S. Truman August 9, 1945