Midwest “Breadbasket of the US” Great Lakes Region Plains Region (Prairie Region)
The Great Lakes States State Capital Michigan MI Lansing Illinois IL Springfield Minnesota MN St. Paul Ohio OHColumbus Indiana IN Indianapolis Wisconsin WIMadison
Michigan Made of two peninsulas Bordered by four of the five Great Lakes Leading state in the manufacturing of automobiles
Illinois Bordered on the northeast by Lake Michigan The nation’s largest manufacturing center A leading corn and pork producing state
Minnesota Minnesota has about 12,000 lakes. The source of the Mississippi River is in northwestern Minnesota. Minneapolis sits across the Mississippi river to its twin city, St. Paul.
Economy of Minnesota 70% of all the iron ore mined in the US comes from Minnesota. Wheat production is important to the economy of this state.(western)
Ohio Seven Presidents came from Ohio. Cincinnati is located on the banks of the Ohio River. Akron is known for its rubber manufacturing.
Economy of Ohio Vehicles and vehicle parts are the state’s most important manufacturing products.
Indiana Indiana is among the top 10 agricultural states. (soybeans, corn, and wheat) It is bordered by Lake Michigan and the Ohio River separates it from Kentucky.
Economy of Indiana Indiana is the leading state in the production of steel.
Wisconsin There are many farms here producing beets, peas, cherries, corn, hay, and soybeans.
Economy of Wisconsin Wisconsin is the nation’s leading dairy state. It produces most of the milk, cheese and butter for the US.
Plains (Prairie) Region State Capital North Dakota ND Bismarck South Dakota SD Pierre Nebraska NE Lincoln Kansas KS Topeka Iowa IA Des Moines Missouri MO Jefferson City
Climate of the Plains Region This region is mostly grassland, fertile soil and level land. It has hot, wet summers. These features help to make this area a leading agricultural center in the world.
Iowa Iowa is a leading corn and pork producing state. It is known as the “pig farming capital of the world”. Iowa is the world’s largest producer of alfalfa.
Wheat and Corn Wheat is the most important food crop in the US. Corn is the main crop grown in NE and IA. Kansas is the leading producer in the US. It is also grown mainly in ND, SD, and NE.