1 Opening List the major Southern cities and one fact about each one, even if it is just the state it is in.
Mid-West U.S. America’s Breadbasket
3 Today’s Standard(s) SSWG8 The student will describe the interaction of physical and human systems that have shaped contemporary Canada and the United States. a. Describe the location of major physical features and their impact on Canada and the United States. b. Describe the major climates of Canada and the United States and how they affect Canada and the United States. c. Explain the reasons for the population distribution in Canada and the United States. d. Explain how the physical geography of Canada and the United States contributed to regional growth and development. 3
Landforms & Climate Lies almost entirely w/in Interior Plains Entire region has humid- continental climate Subject to tornadoes Mississippi River Upper part of this river system drains the region
Agriculture 1 of most productive regions in world b/c: –Hot, humid summers –Fertile soil –Level land –Agricultural technology township and range system- system, started by U.S. gov’t in late 1780’s, by which land NW of Ohio river was divided into sections and offered to people who agreed to farm them for at least 5 yrs –Each section of land was 1 sq. mile
The Corn Belt Corn Belt- the area of the Midwestern U.S., stretching mainly from Ohio to Iowa, in which raising corn is a major economic activity Most corn grown is for livestock to preserve soil farmers use crop rotation and commercial fertilizers
The Dairy Belt Dairy Belt- Midwestern states, north of Corn Belt, in which dairy farming is a major economic activity summers are cooler and soils become rocky and less fertile Problems incl.- surplus of product, low prices, and changing American diet
The Great Lakes World’s largest freshwater lake system Contain 1/5 of world’s fresh surface water economic life line of region- provide inexpensive transportation to allow products to the Atlantic to compete on the world market
Major Mid-western Cities Chicago –3 rd largest U.S. city –Cultural capital of Midwest Detroit –Leading automobile producer in country St. Louis –“gateway to the West”
Cities (Cont.) The Twin Cities –Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota –Retail center for upper Midwest Cleveland Kansas City –Starting point of Oregon trial
11 Opening List the major Midwestern cities and one fact about each one (even if it is the state it is in)
12 The Interior West The Great Plains The Rocky Mountains The Intermountain West
13 The Great Plains ò include: Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Texas & parts of N.M. ò Semi-arid/ steppe climate dominates Extreme temperatures Drought is a major issue
14 Great Plains Cont. ò During the Depression drought & dropping prices turned this region into “dust bowl” ò Denver is region’s dominant city & economic center
15 The Rocky Mountains ò Stretch from Canada through Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico ò Continental Divide- formed in the crest of the Rocky Mts./ divides major river systems of N.A. into those that flow eastward and those that flow westward ò Highland climate
16 Rockies Cont. ò No major cities in this region, most people live in small towns ò Major economic activity is tourism Skiing destinations- Aspen National Parks- Yellowstone ò Largest landowner in Rockies is U.S. gov’t
17 Intermountain West ò Includes Arizona, Nevada and Utah, southern Idaho, and the western portions of Colorado and New Mexico ò Climate in south = desert/ north= semiarid ò Colorado River is lifeline of this region Home to the Hoover dam ò Tourism important to economy
18 Intermountain West Cont. ò Population growth most rapid in this region Phoenix and Las Vegas are country’s 2 fastest growing cities ò Large Native American pop. in AZ and NM ò Spanish influence in this region is huge Most people in NM speak Spanish