Stakeholder Meeting July 11, 2012 MSHA Headquarters Arlington, VA New Technologies For Mine Rescue
Command Center Central work location for primary decision-makers Data from several sources are collected and displayed on computers and on large-screen TVs Provides real-time information for Command Center (MSHA, Mining Company, State, Union) Electronic log
Sources of Information Include: FAB, Toughbook Chromatograph Lab Communications Vehicle Permissible Mine Rescue Robot Ventilation Monitoring Vehicle Engineering Trailer Mine Office (drilling log, fan readings, etc.)
Advanced Mine Rescue Communications New Technology will: – Provide direct two-way communications from exploring MR teams to the Command Center – Allow rapid exploration of multiple entries simultaneously – Allow gas readings and IP camera video to be transmitted directly to the Command Center
Toughbooks Will improve communications between FAB and Command Center providing instantaneous mapping information. Will improve tracking of mine rescue teams Will improve briefings/debriefings for backup teams and Command Center, and make change-outs faster
Sample Command Center Information Mine Rescue Team Exploration Map Mine Rescue Team Tracking Map CH4, O2, CO Detector Results Camera at Fresh Air Base Mine Rescue Surface Comm. And Command Vehicle
Permissible Mine Explorer Robot Approximately 3000 feet of fiber optic control/data cable to advance ahead of rescue teams Continuous monitoring of mine gases Four video cameras, remote display
Seismic Location System Miners generate signals by pounding on mine surfaces Capable of detecting and locating miners to depths of 1500 feet (100’ accuracy) Improvements made to pre-amplifiers, batteries and telemetry. Requires accurate survey
4:22 – 7:08 Insert Video from Newsconference Rev.1
Option 1 Insert video from Bailey BMX longversion
Option 1 Insert video from Bailey BMX 39seconds
Midwest Mine Rescue Station A new mine rescue station is being established in the Midwest to provide better response to emergencies. Mine Rescue Team Equipment Gas Chromatograph Laboratory Communications Trailer
Conclusion New Mine Rescue Technology: – Command Center – Smart Boards – Toughbooks – Mine Rescue Communications – Seismic System Improvements – Robotics Improved Coverage – Midwest Station