CarbonCount™ quantitative carbon impact scoring system for “green” bonds ARCHITECTURE FOR FINANCE KATERI CALLAHAN PRESIDENT
CarbonCount™ Source: McKinsey & Company (2010) €860 B per year over BAU needed to stabilize at 2 C° in
CarbonCount™ “Scores” expected annual reductions in CO2 per $1,000 of investment. Utilizes sophisticated EPA emissions model + NREL data to ensure accuracy, credibility, transparency. System is LIVE — bonds being scored today. 3
CarbonCount™ $30 4
CarbonCount™ Bonds scored to date 5
CarbonCount™ CarbonCount™ Metric Tons CO 2 REDUCED per $1,000 Metric Tons CO 2 REDUCED per $1,000 6 Notional projects ranked by CarbonCount™ score
CarbonCount™ 7