Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation Update January 21, 2015
Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation Goal: Create a unified workforce system that supports employers with finding the workers they need to succeed and supports individuals in accessing the skills training they need to compete for Ohio’s in-demand jobs Identify the Needs of Business Job Training & Education Alignment Workforce Delivery System Reform State- Provided Employer Services
Identify the Needs of Business
196 In-Demand Occupations (matching to over 17,000 related job titles) In-Demand Occupations Report 1/1/2015
Job Training and Education Alignment
Industry Workforce Alliances Business-led dialogue to address specific in- demand jobs and career pathways Brings together business, education and training, and other stakeholders Develop innovate solutions to address short- and long-term needs
Industry Workforce Alliances Northwest Ohio Allen Economic Development Group Midwest Ohio Montgomery County Dept. of Community and Economic Development Southwest Ohio Partners for a Competitive Workforce Northeast Ohio Mahoning Valley Manufacturers Coalition Central Ohio Insurance Industry Resource Council Southeast Ohio Appalachian Ohio Health Professions Pathways
Workforce Delivery System Reform
Ohio’s Major Workforce Programs Three Separate Plans = Siloed, Misaligned Services Job Placement & Career Services Workforce Investment Act Adult Learning & GED Prep Adult Basic & Literacy Education Career & Technical Education Carl D. Perkins
A Unified Approach Coordinated, Aligned, Seamless Services for Ohioans
Statewide Policies & Practices Increased Awareness of Workforce Programs Local Planning & Collaboration Common Metrics Require Registration In Common In-Take Application Common Case Management System Common Assessment Strategy Increase Access to Job Readiness/Soft Skills Training Increase Access to Career Counseling Increase Access to Remediation & High School Equivalency Local Unified PlanCo-Enrollment Common Reforms
Workforce Success Measures
Employer Services at Job Posting Resume Searching Employment Programs Business Support Center Phone: (Monday – Friday 8am to 4pm) FREE
Veteran Resumes Rise to the Top of Veterans Business Support Center Military Skills Translator Veterans K-12 Students
Contact Information Jacob Larger Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation