Solar Fuel for a Clean Planet
Who is Solel? A technology company, providing a one-stop solution for utility scale solar fields The only commercially proven electricity-producing solar thermal technology 350+ employees – largest solar thermal company. Many engineers involved in building original SEGS Ongoing major investments in R&D and production capacity Over $450 million in backlog in 2008
What is Solar Thermal Power? Free and secure resource, widely available and highly predictable Uses reflectors to concentrate sun’s energy and create heat Uniquely suited for answering peak demands % of power generated vs. capacity Load Wind * Solar **
92% CSP Technology Comparison – Parabolic Trough the Dominant Technology 5 – 25 KW (per dish)10 – 64 (MW)50 – 600 (MW) Size Scale Dish focuses sunlight to single point, where thermal collector captures the heat. Engine converts heat into mechanical energy which drives generator to produce electricity. Circular array of mirrors concentrate s sunlight on receiver placed at top of central tower. Heat creates steam to power generator. Curved trough reflects solar radiation onto tube and heats the oil inside it. A heat exchanger creates steam which runs a steam turbine. Mechanism Negligible5%-7% Market share by 2012 (MW) Embryonic - Pilot underwayProof of concept Mature technology, 20 yr commercial track record Commercial Status Cost (cent\kWh) DishTowerParabolic Trough Parabolic Trough the de facto CSP standard & only bankable technology Source: Solel studies
Size of Market Source: Emerging Energy Research
Reliability of Solel’s Parabolic Trough Technology Solel’s parabolic trough plants have provided consistent and reliable power generation for over twenty years Dependable revenue stream California SEGS/Solel technology has never fallen below 98% of rated capacity Solel has consistently evolved the technology to introduce improved efficiencies and output 2002 US DOE report to Congress: “SEGS demonstrate CSP systems achieve reliability equal to fossil-fueled plants”
Elements of a Solar Power Plant Power Block Solar Field HTF System Civil works Miscellaneous Solel’s SunField LP : Built-In Solar Fuel
Solel main products UVAC 2008 solar thermal receiver Parabolic reflector panels Solar Fields (loops)
Solel Solar Thermal – Investor POV Parabolic trough is mature commercial technology = bankability Infrastructure projects: > 40 year life Dependable revenue stream, lends itself to non- recourse project finance approach Structured finance Solel vertical control
Plant operating at Solel Headquarters, compact parabolic trough located on top of car park, power block in middle front. Solel Solution: On-Site Power Plants
Industrial cooling and heating system installed in Trento, Italy Solel Solution: Industrial Cooling and Heating
Large Scale Water Heating - Spain
Air Conditioning (Toyama Japan)
Pool Heating
Solel: Delivering clean power when it’s needed most Thanks for your time