Innovating trough the law The case of the establishment of the National Institute of Industrial Property of Chile -INAPI
INAPI: Innovating trough the laws INAPI was started up in January of 2009 Was born in the way of the “National System of Innovation for Competitiveness” Main Strategic Objectives-Establishment Process: 1. To improve the efficiency of Protection Processes 2. To set up the role of Knowledge Transmission
INAPI: Innovating trough the laws Organizational Considerations Improvement of Process PCT Implementation Spreading and Positioning Customer Service 1. To improve the efficiency of Protection Processes 2. To set up the role of Knowledge Transmission Main Strategic Objectives – Establishment Process:
1. To improve the efficiency of Protection Processes The first question: Why is important the efficiency in a IP office? Among other reasons… The obsolescence of the innovation The law´s guaranties to the users To diminish the technological obstruction
1. To improve the efficiency of Protection Processes The INAPI´s experience: A revision of all the internal process Implementation of a “Lean Service Logic” Optimization of the process with the current law possibilities Incorporation -by open system- of twice more human resources in different areas We created a mission and vision about users and innovation focus The new organization was designed according to the priorities of the Chilean economic policies
1. To improve the efficiency of Protection Processes Great efforts, important results…
2. To set up the role of Knowledge Transmission
In fact… We created the Sub Direction of Knowledge Transference We are promoting the use of public domain patents To promote and further technological transfer Why INAPI created this area? Because we think that is a great opportunity for developing countries to use the universal knowledge, which are in the patent databases, in favor of our development
2. To set up the role of Knowledge Transmission OPPORTUNITIES CHALLENGE To include added value to exports Exports Growth To protect the competitive advantages of the clusters To absorb the universal technological progress There are more than 6 million patents worldwide IP OPPORTUNITIES CHALLENGE To identify the knowledge that add value to our natural resources Challenges and opportunities of Chile:
Finally: the Chilean strategic reason of INAPI´s creation To Absorb Technological Knowledge National Transformation Development of Abilities New Products & Services Innovation of Processes Innovation of Products There are more than 6 million patents worldwide Less than a 0.1% patents are national Chile is mainly a natural resource producer Chile does not have a technological strength on priority areas (Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Biotechnology, Energy) Immediate Opportunity – To Absorb the available knowledge Ongoing Stage
Innovating trough the law The case of the establishment of the National Institute of Industrial Property of Chile -INAPI