What do these images have in common?
They are all WAVES!!! Time for Surfing!!! Why Waves Are Wonderful!!
∗ Form a circle and hold hands with the people next to you. ∗ Pass down a vibration! Once you vibrate, pass it on to the next person. ∗ You are the MEDIUM (the substance through which a wave can travel; solid, liquid, or gas). ∗ You are one of the tiny particles that is vibrating ∗ Once you vibrate, you pass it on to the next particle! ∗ You are transferring energy – making a wave!! Let’s Make Waves
∗ WAVE: any disturbance that transmits energy through matter or empty space. Sound! WATER!TV! BRAIN LIGHT radio! Earthquakes!Cell phones! Microwavesx-raysviolin strings What IS a Wave Anyway??
∗ A wave is a disturbance where energy is transmitted. ∗ Through a medium that has tiny vibrating particles ∗ The energy passes through and we have a WAVE!! Wave A Minute…
∗ SLINKY TIME!! ∗ Transverse: The particles move perpendicular to the direction the wave is traveling. ∗ Light, radio waves, x-rays, Earthquake (seismic waves) BIG tremor ∗ Longitudinal: The particles vibrate parallel to the wave motion. ∗ Sound ∗ Earthquake (tremor before the BIG tremor) SLINKY TIME 2!!!! Types of Waves
Page 606 in book!
∗ Transfer energy through a medium ∗ Transverse particles run perpendicular to motion ∗ Longitudinal particles run parallel to motion ∗ Crests and troughs (transverse) ∗ Compressions and rarefactions (longitudinal) One Last Wave!
1. Play in a group. 2. Roll the dice. 3. Answer the question on communicator board. If already answered, repeat answer verbally! 4. If correct, move spaces. Use marker to track movement. 5. First person to end wins!! Materials: *1 game board *1 dice *1 dry erase marker *1 eraser Game Rules
Let’s Play a GAME!! If you roll a: ∗ 1 – Name the two types of waves ∗ 2 – Name an object in our world that gives off waves ∗ 3 – Demonstrate a transverse wave ∗ 4 – Demonstrate a longitudinal wave ∗ 5 – Define the highest and lowest points on a transverse wave ∗ 6 – Identify what is transferred through a wave
∗ If you roll a : ∗ 1 – Which type of wave is better? Justify your response. ∗ 2 – Give examples of both a transverse and longitudinal wave. ∗ 3 – Which type of natural resource are we using most as Americans, and why is this a problem? ∗ 4 – Explain how someone could differentiate between longitudinal and transverse waves (how are they different?) ∗ 5 – Explain how a sedimentary rock can become both a metamorphic and igneous rock over time. ∗ 6 – What happens when two tectonic plates separate? Game Round 2
1.Identify each type of wave below. a. b. 2.What is transmitted or transferred through a wave? Exit Ticket
Wave Properties *
A. Rest Position: The center of a wave; point where particles stay without disturbance
B. Amplitude: The farthest distance the particles of a wave’s medium vibrate from their rest position; BIGGER=more energy (decibels)energy
C. Wavelength: The length of the wave; crest to crest or trough to trough; compression to compression; rarefaction to rarefaction; smaller=more energy #awesomeenergy #awesome
1. Draw a line in your ENB. 1. What is this line called?? 2. Make a transverse wave on the line 1. Point to CRESTS 2. Point to TROUGHS Yarn Waves!!!
∗ Crest to Crest ∗ Trough to Trough ∗ Make a LARGE wavelength! ∗ Make a small wavelength! ∗ Which had more energy???? Wavelength
∗ Small amplitude and big wavelength ∗ HUGE amplitude and small wavelength ∗ Which would sound louder? ∗ Bigger amplitude – more energy!! Amplitude
Amplitude and Wavelength to our EARS
D. Frequency: The number of waves produced in a given amount of time ( which other property is this directly related to??)
∗ Measured in HERTZ (waves/second) ∗ 1 hertz=1 wave every second ∗ Whistling – 10,000 Hz!!! ∗ Connection between frequency and energy? ∗ Higher frequency = more energy ∗ PITCH related to frequency! ∗ Higher pitch – higher frequency – more energy! Frequency
What is my frequency? This is one second… second…
∗ Speed at which a wave travels ∗ Wavelength x frequency = wave speed Wave Speed
∗ Wavelength – 10 cmFrequency – 20 Hz ∗ Wavelength – 2 cmFrequency 4000 Hz ∗ A wave has a wavelength of 5 cm. Its frequency is 700 Hz. What is its wave speed? Let’s Try!
∗ Wavelength – crest to crest ∗ Amplitude – rest position to crest or trough ∗ Frequency - # of waves in a given time ∗ Wave Speed – wavelength x frequency WAVE GOT IT! Review!!
∗ Like sound waves. ∗ And ocean waves. ∗ And Earthquake waves. ∗ We call these MECHANICAL WAVES. Some Waves NEED a Medium!
∗ Don’t need a medium! ∗ But can STILL go through one! WHAT?! ∗ Like light waves. ∗ And microwaves (yes, those are waves that cook your ramen noodles.) ∗ And tv and radio waves. ∗ We call these ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES. Over-Achieving Waves…
∗ Mechanical NEED a medium. ∗ Electromagnetic can use a medium, but don’t actually NEED it. Soooo…
Draw a transverse wave with 5 full waves on a rest position. Identify: *Amplitude *Wavelength *Crest *Trough *Frequency in Hz if the time was.5 seconds/half a second. (hint – Hz measures waves per second) Exit Ticket