Effective approaches for promoting and facilitating entrepreneurship in the target sectors Olive oil connecting neighbors dr. Janko RODE Chamber of agriculture and forestry of Slovenia
DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GOOD PRACTICE GENERAL DESCRIPTION Brda on Slovenian and Collio on the Italian side are ancient “terroirs” for quality wine and fruit (cherries, peaches) Accent on wine production on family farms
Olive growing traditional but in shade of winegrowing One of the most northern olive growing territories Local varieties of olives produce oil of special delicate taste Interesting for culinary activities (slow food…) Olive growing and oil making became interesting again Possibility for diversification of farm activity First initiative for joint development of olive growing in the region - cross-border project UE-LI-JE - The call for proposals of Interreg IIIA Italy –
UE LI JE II The project UE LI JE II is the upgrade of last project Research of local olive oil, Propagation of local varieties, Establishment of regulations for quality controll Protection of oil in cross-borrder teritory Dissemination of knowledge about tehchnologies Promotion of sustaiablity and biodiversity of the teritory Establishing marketing ways Promotion and revival of olive growing as a complementary activitiy on farms
Presentations, workshops, education Annual meetings, professional conference and Closing congress Common image and publication in three languages Approved costs: € (85% EU-10% Min.-5% Others) Olive growers, farmers and SMEs of the region On both sides of the border Translation from /to Slovenian or Italian UE LI JE II
Leading partner: municipality of Brda 11 partners (BSO, Uni, Schools, Associations) Business support organizations: ERSA - Agenzia regionale per lo sviluppo rurale (FVG region) RRA severne Primorske – Regional development agency ltd Nova Gorica CAFS, Kmetijsko gozdarski zavod Nova Gorica Organization of events, coordination, promotion, infrastructure, communication, support for finacial and technical activities (propagation of local olive varieties)
Innovation/Added value Connecting two similar traditions of two nationalities on the cross-border territory. Development of common group of products based on common practices and natural conditions. To ensure better possibilities for local population to gain socio – economic security trough revival of traditional activity as supplementary activity on farms. Reintroduction of old olive vaireties in use and traditions Local product with added (hi)story – tourism, culinary Landscape biodiversty and sustanability
Results 6 workshops (tecnology, production…) 4 culinary workshops Corporate image Promotion material _ fyers, broschure 2 annual meetings of stakeholders(from planned 4) 2 established panels for olive oil tasting Rules of quality for regional olive oil 1 brochure (3 langages to be published in november) 20 local varieties of olives in two collection plantations Other activities (promotion of project activities in different media reviews, newspapers, TV and radio…)
Transfer of approach Development of common local produce trough cross- border cooperation Promotion by methods of motivation, gathering experience and new knowledge. Gaining knowledge trough combination of experience and knowledge from both sides of the border. Motivation and information for professional and general public about use of developed products Accessibility of the method is good and it can be adapted to different local products of certain areas on the border, where traditions of production and (culinary) use are comparable. Promotion is crucial in cases like that.
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