Poster Print Size: This poster template is 36” high by 48” wide. It can be used to print any poster with a 3:4 aspect ratio. Placeholders: The various elements included in this poster are ones we often see in medical, research, and scientific posters. Feel free to edit, move, add, and delete items, or change the layout to suit your needs. Always check with your conference organizer for specific requirements. Image Quality: You can place digital photos or logo art in your poster file by selecting the Insert, Picture command, or by using standard copy & paste. For best results, all graphic elements should be at least pixels per inch in their final printed size. For instance, a 1600 x 1200 pixel photo will usually look fine up to 8“-10” wide on your printed poster. To preview the print quality of images, select a magnification of 100% when previewing your poster. This will give you a good idea of what it will look like in print. If you are laying out a large poster and using half-scale dimensions, be sure to preview your graphics at 200% to see them at their final printed size. Please note that graphics from websites (such as the logo on your hospital's or university's home page) will only be 72dpi and not suitable for printing. [This sidebar area does not print.] Change Color Theme: This template is designed to use the built-in color themes in the newer versions of PowerPoint. To change the color theme, select the Design tab, then select the Colors drop-down list. The default color theme for this template is “Office”, so you can always return to that after trying some of the alternatives. Printing Your Poster: Once your poster file is ready, visit to order a high-quality, affordable poster print. Every order receives a free design review and we can deliver as fast as next business day within the US and Canada. Genigraphics® has been producing output from PowerPoint® longer than anyone in the industry; dating back to when we helped Microsoft® design the PowerPoint® software. US and Canada: [This sidebar area does not print.] Case Study Presentation Left Arm Abscess Related To Suspected IV Heroin Use Amalia O’Neil University of New Hampshire, DEMN References: http://wk-trusted- Lab Results Clonidine is most commonly used medication to treat symptoms of withdrawal (anxiety, agitation, muscle aches, sweating, runny nose, and cramping). Medication is tapered, starting with a higher and/or more frequent dose to prevent the ill feelings of withdrawal Clonidine is an alpha-2 adrenergic agonists with a primary use for hypertension although used for various conditions by inhibiting the release of norepinephrine 30 year old female who presented to the ED with temperature of F, extreme pain, swelling, chills, and foul smell coming from LUE. Left antecubital with abscess measuring 2.3cm. Incision and drainage performed to abscess, antibiotic treatment started. Denies IV drug use, displaying symptoms of withdrawal. Current diagnoses: Left arm abscess Heroin / Opioid use Malnutrition Patient noncompliance Ischemia and necrosis of muscle and skin Past medical history: Lumbar disc disorder Migraines History of kidney stone Fall 12/27/14- contusion to left hip 17 pack year smoker Vancomycin Trough WBC RBC Hemoglobin Hematocrit Platelet Neutrophil Lymphocytes Monocytes BUN Creatinine Calcium Diagnostic Tests and Cultures Wound Culture-LUE Abscess Heavy streptococci, final results pending CT scan-LUEFluid filled abscess with large cavity extending to lateral bicep Patient Information Medications Treating Opioid Withdrawal MedicationDoseTimeRouteIndication Clindamycin (Dilute with D5W 50ml) 900mg (30ml/hr) Q8hrsIV Abscess of left arm Vancomycin (Dilute with D5W 200ml) 1gm (133ml/hr) Q8hrsIV Abscess of left arm 0.9% saline (NS) (Used to flush IV) 10mlBIDIV Patency of IV Senna-S 2 tabs (8.6-50mg) QDPO Bowel management Hydromorphone (Cannot exceed 6mg in 4hrs) 0.2mg/ ml PCAIVPain Hydromorphone4-8mgQ4hrsPOSevere pain Lorazepam1mgQ6hrsIVAnxiety Ondansetron4mgQ8hrs PRNIVNausea Phenergan6.25mgQ4hrs PRNIVNausea Dicyclomine20mgQ4hrs PRNPOGI upset Hydroxyzine50mgQ6hrs PRNPOItching Clonidine (Administer x2 days, taper to BID) 0.1mgTIDPOWithdrawal Clonidine (Administer x2 days, taper to QD) 0.1mgBIDPOWithdrawal Clonidine (Administer x2 days and discontinue) 0.1mgQDPOWithdrawal Susceptibility of culture not yet determined, vancomycin & clindamycin are being administered until the therapeutic level is reached and culture results are obtained. Vancomycin dose is determined by daily blood trough Vancomycin if often used if suspected infection, especially when Staphylococcus is present Once a culture and sensitivity is determined, the antibiotic will be adjusted and/or changed Determining Antibiotic Use