Local Identity Product (LIP) – sustainable support systems for communities in Europe Bauska,
Latvian Rural Forum llf.partneribas.lv - LRF unites rural nongovernmental organizations for definite purposes: 1) Promote sustainable development of Latvian rural territories 2) Strengthen civil society in rural territories, promoting local initiatives and cooperation 3) Represent interests of rural population on national and international level
Association of regional brands ARZ is association of coordinators of regional brands in the Czech Republic; Regional brands aim at support of local producers of craft, food, and agricultural products as well as tourist services. ARZ supervise the activities of individual regional coordinators (different NGOs) and aims at publicity and promotion of the overall system of regional branding
Rural Development Foundation The task of the FDR is to stimulate the economic and social development of the Rumanian rural sector. FDR initiates and coordinates actions for the expansion of the sectors of agricultural production, agro-alimentary and agro-business. The FDR is also associated with initiatives to reinforce rural tourism
1)Who we are? (identify and explore the values and self- identity criteria of local communities in rural areas) 2)How can we build our collaboration? (build on these foundations local identity product (LIP) recognition, development and promotion model) 3)How can we keep ourselves developing our comunity economic? (Keep strong linkage between LIP support system and local community traditions that reflects its traditions and identity, and provides economical benefits to the community)
We believe that LIP should play a significant role in Europe We want to involve partners to exchange experiences and mutually share with opinions We want jointly search for appropriate policy instruments for LIP promotion and realization mechanism. We want trough individual states experience analyze the impact of EU policies on the viability of LIP
1) acknowledgement of ideas and values on which LIP recognition system could be developed 2) identification and analyze of existing schemes and mechanisms, to obtain a knowledge and real experience in praxis on how LIP recognition and realization systems are functioning in respective state 3) gather information about experts from Europe to get in contact and to develop pool of experts who could participate 4) four days forum in Latvia
Readings Regional branding throughout Europe Local Identity Products for retention of community values Local identity support systems – facilitators for development of Local economies Support systems’ development motivation for Local Identity Products Citizen’s ability to engage in local support system to ensure economic growth
Development of communication tools
Enjoy winter in Latvia!