Modern Atomic Model and EMR. Describe the electromagnetic spectrum in terms of frequency, wavelength, and energy. Use Plank’s equation and the speed of.


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Presentation transcript:

Modern Atomic Model and EMR

Describe the electromagnetic spectrum in terms of frequency, wavelength, and energy. Use Plank’s equation and the speed of light to solve equations for electromagnetic waves. Additional KEY Terms SpectroscopyEmissionQuantum Line spectrum

Composed of radiated waves of both electrical and magnetic energy. Maxwell (1860) - all energy radiated from objects (including visible light) is electromagnetic radiation.

Wavelength (λ - “lambda”): distance from one crest to the next crest or trough to trough. Frequency (ν – “nu” or ƒ): number of wavelengths, or cycles, that pass a point per unit time. Frequency is measured in cycles per second (s -1 ), or the SI unit hertz (Hz). Amplitude: height of the wave from origin to crest.

Types of Electromagnetic radiation

All EMR radiates at 3.00 x 10 8 m/s in a vacuum. This universal value (c) is a product of the wavelength and frequency of the radiated energy. “speed of light” c = λνc = λƒ Wavelength and frequency are inversely related. Wavelength and frequency do not affect amplitude.

ColourElement greencopper yellowsodium redstrontium yellow- green barium orange-redcalcium purplepotassium purple-redlithium Elements give off a unique colour of light when burned - used to detect the presence of a metal This is known as a If the light emitted is focused through a prism, a spectrum with distinct lines is produced. Planck (1900)

Disclaimer – This is not as simple as my drawing.

Energy emitted by a heated element can be separated – producing emission spectrum. (line spectrum)

The colored lines of the atoms (or Spectral Lines) are a kind of "signature" for the atoms. C O

Spectroscopy and spectrophotometry are techniques used to determine a substance’s emission spectrum

Planck's law: postulated that energy can only be gained or lost in discrete amounts – quanta. Quantum is the minimum amount of energy gained or lost by an atom. Energy contained in a quantum was directly related to the frequency of radiation emitted. E = hf

E – energy of a quantum (Joules) h – Plank’s constant (6.626 x J  s) f – frequency of absorbed or emitted EMR

The colours seen in fireworks are a result of burning different salts. Red light has a wavelength of 650 nanometres. Calculate the frequency of red light (1 nm x m). ƒλc = ƒ 650 x m = 3.00 x 10 8 m/s ƒ = 4.6 x Hz

The blue colour of fireworks is often achieved by heating copper (I) chloride to about 1200 o C. The wavelength of the blue light is 450 nm. What is the quantum of energy emitted by this light? E = hf ƒ = c λ ƒ 450 x m = 3.00 x 10 8 m/s ƒ = 6.7 x Hz E = (6.626 x J · s)(6.7 x Hz) E = 4.4 x J q

CAN YOU / HAVE YOU? Describe the electromagnetic spectrum in terms of frequency, wavelength, and energy. Use Plank’s equation and the speed of light to solve equations for electromagnetic waves. Additional KEY Terms SpectroscopyEmissionQuantum Line spectrum