Glacier: thick mass of ice, forms over land Compaction and recrystallization of snow Glacier Types: Glacier Types: Valley (alpine) glaciers – mountainous areas Ice sheets (continental) glaciers Ice sheets Over Greenland and Antarctica Ice caps – cover uplands and plateaus Piedmont glaciers – cover broad lowlands Found at steep mountain bases Movements of glacial ice: Movements Plastic flow Basal sliding (slipping along the ground) 1 7: Glaciers Figure 6.2: Present day continental sheets
Glaciers erode by: Plucking -lifting of rock Abrasion : Rock flour-pulverized rock Striations -bedrock grooves Landforms by glacial erosion: Glacial trough – u-shaped Hanging valley – valleys above main trough Cirque – area of snow accumulation Arête – sharp-edged ridges Horn – sharp, pyramid-like peaks Fjord – deep, steep-sided inlets of the sea 2 Glacial Movement Figure 6.10: Erosional landforms created by Alpine glaciers. Glaciers, (9:54) Trollfjord in Norway by Grant, CC-A-SA 2.0
Moraines – layers or ridges of glacial till Types: lateral, medial, end, ground Outwash plain or valley train Kettles Drumlins Eskers Kames 3 Glacial Deposits Figure 6.18: Glacial depositional features. Drumlin in Upstate NY Kettle Lakes
Volcano under Grimasvotn lakes erupts Near river Skeioara which floods Land flooded Skaftafell NP Melts 3 cubic km of ice; peak flow 6000 cubic m/sec Jokulhalup flow occurs, flow rate 50,000 cubic m/sec Flood caries ice floes many tons in weight Icebergs tons damages road and striking bridge Considered a 13 ft high, 660 yd wide tsunami Flood carries 185 million tons of silt Outbursts: 1954, 1960, 1965, 1972, 1976 1982, 1983, 1986, 1991, 1996 Case: Vatnajokull Glacier, Iceland 1996 Vatnajokull glacier, Iceland