11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 1 Super-Kamiokande Atmospheric Neutrino Results Kimihiro Okumura ICRR Univ. of Tokyo ( 11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 2 Outline Super-Kamiokande-I Results new → oscillation analysis search for tau neutrinos search for 13 neutrino flux study Status of Super-Kamiokande-II Analysis
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 3 Super-Kamiokande SK-I SK-III reconstruction SK-III will start on June kton cylindrical water Cherenkov detector (22.5kt fiducial vol.) 1000m underground (2700m water equiv.) optically separated into ID and OD SK-I 40% Photocathod coverage Num. of inner detector PMTs SK-II accident PMT enclosure : Acrylic (front) and Fiberglass (back) SK-II %
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 4 Observation of Atmospheric Neutrino Fully Contained (E ~1GeV, e ) Stopping (E ~10GeV, ) Partially Contained (E ~10GeV, ) Through-going (E ~100GeV, ) Event classification sensitive energy: 0.1GeV ~ 10TeV
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 5 Zenith Angle Distributions (SK-I) < < > > – oscillation (best fit) null oscillation e-like -like FC and PC : 1489 days Up-going : 1646 days Preliminary
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 6 Previous oscillation analysis Question: Can single analysis give the best sin 2 (2 ) and m 2 ? Zenith angle analysis : UP/DOWN ~ sin 2 (2 ) good for sin 2 (2 ) L/E analysis : dip ~ /2 good for m 2 Allowed region of previous zenith and L/E cos Number of events Data / MC
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 7 Oscillation analysis with finer binning Important energy range to see the oscillation dip = multi-GeV Finer energy bins for multi-GeV events Important energy range to see the oscillation dip = multi-GeV Finer energy bins for multi-GeV events Full oscillation 1/2 osci. Expected sensitivity with 5yr MC (sin 2 2 , m 2 ) truth = (1.00, 2.5 eV 2 ) previous zenith (180bins) L/E finer binning (370bins) zenith angle analysis with finer energy binning gives better sensitivity for both sin 2 (2 ) and m 2
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 8 Allowed region with finer binning Previous zenith-angle analysis L/E analysis 90% CL allowed region: sin 2 2 > < m 2 < 3.0×10 -3 eV 2 90% CL allowed region: sin 2 2 > < m 2 < 3.0×10 -3 eV 2 Preliminary
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 9 Search for CC events CC events hadrons Only ~ 1.0 CC FC events/kton ・ yr hadrons CC MC appears only for up-going events use down-going events for control sample events are accompanied with many hadrons event topology similar to other hadronic events likelihood (or NN) analysis
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 10 Tau-like events selection criteria Visible energy > 1.33 GeV (multi-GeV energy) Multi-ring events (event w/ hadron particles) Most energetic ring is e-like (showering event) log(likelihood) > 0 or NN > 0.5
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 11 Likelihood variables visible energy Max. momentum for -like ring Clustered sphericity in the center of mass frame Max distance from primary and decay-e vertex Sphericity in the lab fame Number of candidate rings MC Down-going data Down-going , e MC Preliminary
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 12 Tau likelihood distributions downward DATA BG-MC tau-MC Cut likelihood upward MC) DATA BG-MC tau-MC Cut likelihood Number of events Tau-like events : Likelihood > 0 Preliminary
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 13 Likelihood analysis NN analysis , e, & NC background Data ×1.82 MC ×1.93 MC cos zenith Number of events 145±48(stat) +9 / -36 (osc. para. uncertainty) 152±47(stat) +12 / -27 (osc. para. uncertainty) 79±31(syst) Fitted # of events Expected # of events Preliminary Zenith angle dist. and fit results
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 14 Search for non-zero 13 Non-zero 13 will enhance → e oscillation in multi-GeV energy due to matter effect in Earth Electron appearance is expected in upward-going events s 2 13=0.05 s 2 13=0.00 null oscillation Electron appearance 1+multi-ring, e-like, GeV P( → e) cos zenith Neutrino Energy (GeV) cos zenith Three flavor oscillation analysis with m 2 solar =0 assumption :
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 15 Multi-GeV electrons Multi-GeV electrons UP/DOWN asymmetryZenith angle single-Ring electron multi-Ring electron Preliminary No significant excess due to matter effect in upward-going multi-GeV electron sample Data No oscillation Three flavor best fit (normal hierarchy)
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 16 Allowed region for 13 Distributions are best fitted when sin 2 ( 13 )=0 Consistent with two flavor oscillation sin 2 ( 13 )<0.14 allowed in 90% C.L. from SK-I data Normal hierarchy ( m 2 >0) 2 min /ndf = -3, 0.5, 0.0) Preliminary 90%CL 99%CL excluded by CHOOZ m 2 (eV 2 ) sin 2 13 sin 2 23 sin 2 13
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 17 Atmospheric flux measurement Recent neutrino flux calculations have improved due to accurate measurement of comic-ray protons / muons Approximately 20% difference still exists among flux models in higher energies Neutrino flux calculation cosmic-ray proton flux
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 18 e and energy spectrum e and energy spectrum SK-I e and event rates are compared with expectation in each energy range Neutrino energies are estimated from simulation Neutrino oscillation included for expected → ( m 2, sin 2 2 ) = (2.5x10 -3 eV 2,1.0) assumed expectation data sub-GeV multi-GeV sub-GeV multi-GeV PC upmu-stop upmu-thru Events / yr / GeV Neutrino energy (GeV) e Preliminary
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 19 Comparison with flux models Neutrino flux models: HKKM04 Phys. Rev. D (2004) Bartol Phys. Rev. D (2004) Fluka hep-ph/ Systematic uncertainties: detector efficiency cross section ~10% oscillation ~4% for Results: absolute flux and spectrum are consistent within systematic errors HKKM04 and Fluka under- estimated high energy flux Data / Expectation e Preliminary Error bar : (stat.) 2 +(sys.) 2
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 20 New HKKM flux calculation HKKM flux revised: modified hadron interaction model see Dr. Honda’s talk Agreement in high energy becomes better Data / Expectation e Preliminary Error bar : (stat.) 2 +(sys.) 2
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 21 Zenith Angle Distributions (SK-II) < < > > – oscillation (best fit) null oscillation e-like -like FC and PC : 627 days Up-going : 609 days Preliminary
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 22 Preliminary Contours for SK-II SK-IISK-I SK-II data are consistent with SK-I data SK-I + SK-II combined analysis : next step
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 23 SK-II L/E analysis L/E analysis was carried out for the SK-II data with the identical selection criteria as those in SK-I. SK-II SK-I Osc. Decay Decoh. Consistent with SK-I. Oscillation still gives the best fit to the data. Consistent with SK-I. Oscillation still gives the best fit to the data. Preliminary
11-September-2005 C2CR2005, Prague 24 Summary SK-I analysis results: New → oscillation analysis with finer binning gives more stringent constraint : sin 2 2 > 0.93, 2.0< m 2 <3.0x10 -3 eV 2 (90%C.L.) Data are consistent with appearance No evidence for multi-GeV electron appearance due to non-zero 13 Neutrino flux calculation models are compared and consistent with data SK-II data was analyzed independently and consistent with SK-I