The ATLSS High Resolution Topography/Hydrology Model Scott M. Duke-Sylvester ATLSS Project : University of Tennessee Project web-site : E-mail.


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Presentation transcript:

The ATLSS High Resolution Topography/Hydrology Model Scott M. Duke-Sylvester ATLSS Project : University of Tennessee Project web-site :

Overview of Presentation Purpose of the High Resolution Topography (HRT)/High Resolution Hydrology (HRH) models Purpose of the High Resolution Topography (HRT)/High Resolution Hydrology (HRH) models HRT/HRH creation HRT/HRH creation Verification, calibration and validation Verification, calibration and validation Versions and availability Versions and availability

Purpose of the HRT/HRH To provide an estimate of finer scale spatial variation in hydrology for the ATLSS models To provide an estimate of finer scale spatial variation in hydrology for the ATLSS models Resolution : 500x500 meters Resolution : 500x500 meters Used by all ATLSS models including: Used by all ATLSS models including: SESI models SESI models Fish model (ALFISH) Fish model (ALFISH) Deer/panther model Deer/panther model

Why 500x500 meters? Plants and animals respond to local variations in hydrology at a spatial resolution finer than the 2x2 mile SFWMM blocks: Plants and animals respond to local variations in hydrology at a spatial resolution finer than the 2x2 mile SFWMM blocks: Tree islands Tree islands Transition from slough to prairie Transition from slough to prairie Permanent ponds vs. marsh with transient water depths Permanent ponds vs. marsh with transient water depths

Tree Island : Skinner’s Camp

Slough to prairie transition Variation in water depths Wet 0 Dry SFWMMHRH

HRT Features Common resolution : 500x500 meters Common resolution : 500x500 meters Available : 30x30 meters Available : 30x30 meters Coverage : Most of the natural areas of SF Coverage : Most of the natural areas of SF

HRH features Common resolution : 500x500 meters Common resolution : 500x500 meters Common time step : 5 days Common time step : 5 days Time span : Jan Dec Time span : Jan Dec Adaptable to longer SFWMM runs Adaptable to longer SFWMM runs Spatial coverage : SFWMM region Spatial coverage : SFWMM region Adaptable to use with other data sets Adaptable to use with other data sets

HRT Creation Basic premise : Plants are present in locations where local topography and hydrology combine to create favorable hydroperiods Basic premise : Plants are present in locations where local topography and hydrology combine to create favorable hydroperiods Topography + Hydrology => Vegetation Topography + Hydrology => Vegetation Vegetation + Hydrology => Topography Vegetation + Hydrology => Topography

Inputs Hydrology : SFWMM Calibration/verification run Hydrology : SFWMM Calibration/verification run Vegetation : FGAP Vegetation : FGAP Hydroperiod ranges : Literature, expert opinion Hydroperiod ranges : Literature, expert opinion Adaptable to other data sets Adaptable to other data sets

Hydrology Data Transform the Stage Height data into hydroperiod histograms. Transform the Stage Height data into hydroperiod histograms. Describes the number of days at or above each elevation. Describes the number of days at or above each elevation. We use an average of values from 1986 to We use an average of values from 1986 to Currently based on the Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val) run of the SFWMM. Currently based on the Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val) run of the SFWMM.

Hydroperiod values for vegetation types. For each vegetation type in the FGAP map we estimate a range of hydroperiods. For each vegetation type in the FGAP map we estimate a range of hydroperiods. The hydroperiod used for any particular cell in the FGAP map is interpolated as follows: The hydroperiod used for any particular cell in the FGAP map is interpolated as follows: Hydroperiod values are drawn from the literature. Hydroperiod values are drawn from the literature.

Vegetation Map Raster Map Raster Map high spatial resolution high spatial resolution high spatial heterogeneity high spatial heterogeneity Each cell contains an index value which represents one vegetation type. Each cell contains an index value which represents one vegetation type. Currently based on the Florida GAP Map. Currently based on the Florida GAP Map.

Processes EpEp

HRH Creation 2x2 mile SFWMM hydrology data is distributed over a 500x500 meter HRT 2x2 mile SFWMM hydrology data is distributed over a 500x500 meter HRT Redistribution takes place on a 2x2 mile cell basis Redistribution takes place on a 2x2 mile cell basis Total daily water volume is preserved in each cell Total daily water volume is preserved in each cell Resulting hydrology has a 500x500 meter resolution Resulting hydrology has a 500x500 meter resolution

Verification Simple visual inspection Simple visual inspection e.g. tree islands are higher than surrounding slough e.g. tree islands are higher than surrounding slough Comparison to independently computed values Comparison to independently computed values Function testing Function testing

Calibration The main features of the HRT that can be calibrated are the hydroperiod ranges for each vegetation type. The main features of the HRT that can be calibrated are the hydroperiod ranges for each vegetation type. Hydroperiod ranges estimated from published literature Hydroperiod ranges estimated from published literature Expert opinion Expert opinion

HRH Validation HRH Validation Comparison of HRH water depths to measured water depths Comparison of HRH water depths to measured water depths Time series : Feb, Apr, Jul, Oct, Dec 1995 Time series : Feb, Apr, Jul, Oct, Dec 1995 Region : WCA-3 and Shark River Slough Region : WCA-3 and Shark River Slough 16 sites, 3 plots at each site 16 sites, 3 plots at each site r 2 for HRH to field data : r 2 for HRH to field data : r 2 for SFWMM to field data : r 2 for SFWMM to field data : Gaff, H Spatial heterogeneity in ecological models : two case studies. PhD. Dissertation, University of Tennessee. Gaff, H Spatial heterogeneity in ecological models : two case studies. PhD. Dissertation, University of Tennessee.

HRT Validation Comparison to USGS HAED Comparison to USGS HAED Compared the mean elevation and variance between the HRT, USGS High Accuracy Elevation Data (HAED) and SFWMM data. Compared the mean elevation and variance between the HRT, USGS High Accuracy Elevation Data (HAED) and SFWMM data. HRT variance is more similar to HAED variance HRT mean is lower than either SFWMM or HAED mean

Conclusion HRT is not an exact fit to measured elevations. HRT is not an exact fit to measured elevations. HRT is generating a level of topographic variation consistent with the HAED data in many instances. HRT is generating a level of topographic variation consistent with the HAED data in many instances. Further calibration of model will improve the fit between the HRT output and HAED. Further calibration of model will improve the fit between the HRT output and HAED.

Application to Restoration Planning Provides an estimate of topography and hydrology to other models at a spatial resolution relevant to ecological modeling Provides an estimate of topography and hydrology to other models at a spatial resolution relevant to ecological modeling

Versions Version 1.0 Version 1.0 Available for use today Available for use today Has been used in the past Has been used in the past hydrology scenario evaluation hydrology scenario evaluation Based on: Based on: FGAP 2.1 FGAP 2.1 Hydroperiod values from Michael Huston Hydroperiod values from Michael Huston SFWMM 3.4, Calibration/verification run SFWMM 3.4, Calibration/verification run Version 2.0 Version 2.0 Available by June Available by June Based on: Based on: FGAP 6.6 FGAP 6.6 Hydroperiod values from Paul Wetzel Hydroperiod values from Paul Wetzel SFWMM 3.5, Calibration/verification run SFWMM 3.5, Calibration/verification run Calibrated with latest USGS HAED Calibrated with latest USGS HAED

Availability HRT maps HRT maps Created at UT Created at UT Maps are available to collaborating agencies Maps are available to collaborating agencies ENP, SFWMD … ENP, SFWMD … High Resolution Hydrology High Resolution Hydrology Created as part of the ATLSS SESI package Created as part of the ATLSS SESI package Sun/Solaris Workstations Sun/Solaris Workstations ENP ENP

Collaborators/Contributors FGAP : Leonard Pearlstine FGAP : Leonard Pearlstine SFWMM : Ken C. Tarboton, SFWMD SFWMM : Ken C. Tarboton, SFWMD ATLSS : ATLSS : Paul Wetzel, ATLSS Paul Wetzel, ATLSS Charley Comiskey, ATLSS Charley Comiskey, ATLSS Michael Huston, ORNL Michael Huston, ORNL

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