Coalition for Eco-Efficient Comminution
Vision To accelerate implementation of eco-efficient comminution strategies through promotion of research, data and industry benefits
PatronOwen Hegarty G-Resources Group Board Chair Elizabeth Lewis-Gray Gekko Systems DirectorProf Tim Napier-Munn JKMRC DirectorDr Wayne Stange AMIRA DirectorDr Mike Daniel CMD Consulting DirectorDr Zeljka PokrajcicWorley Parsons
CEEC Sponsors
Comminution Energy Consumption 4 – 9% Australia’s electricity consumption 30 – 40% total mine Source: CSRP Eco-Efficient Liberation – Outcomes and Benefits
Comminution Energy Consumption CO 2 contributions for the stages of copper concentrate production, Source: Norgate and Haque, 2010
Typical site comminution energy footprint Source Le Nause, Temos 1992
Understand mineral and gangue liberation characteristics Reject gangue or recover mineral in crushing step, prior to milling Recover mineral or gangue at coarsest particle size More crushing less grinding Utilise new and more energy efficient technologies Eco Efficient strategies
Selection of the coarsest possible grind size Energy & grind size Source: Hukki RT, 1961
Optimum liberation
Coarser grind may improve recovery
More crushing – less grinding Ball mills only apply 5% of energy used to particle size reduction Fine crushing is more energy efficient Very low power consumed in supporting systems such as pumping and conveyors
“The most efficient way to break rock, is not to break rock at all” Dr Rob Morrison, JKMRC
Blasting – Optimise fragmentation to maximise fines in ROM ore – “Bricks and mortar” Screening: – ahead of, and in, the grinding circuit Gangue Rejection Pre-concentration Concentration Improved ore presentation and flow sheets
Fine crushing – VSI – HPGR Fine Screening Ore Sorting Gravity – continuous & batch – InLine Pressure Jig – Centrifugal Concentrators Coarse Flotation Improving technologies
Castlemaine Goldfields plant
New flowsheet with gangue rejection Recovery increased by maximising gravity recovery, finer grind, increased head grade to process plant.
Benefits of New Process for site Lower Capital Cost for Greenfields Installation Net reduction in energy consumption Increased gold recovery Increased gold production Reduced $/oz operating cost of gold produced
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CEEC Linked In Discussions Ore sorting Microwave technology Blasting techniques Comminution research Conference blogs
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CEEC Sponsors