Water on Earth
Artesian and Non-flowing (pumping) Wells
Saturated and Unsaturated Zones
Gaining and Losing Streams
Darcy’s law THIS IS EASY!!!!! Discharge/Flow = (Hydraulic Conductivity x Area) x (Hydraulic Gradient) Hydraulic Conductivity x Area This is the ease at which fluids flow through the material. Coarser material is easiest Finer material is harder Hydraulic Gradient This is the pressure pushing the water The more pressure the steeper the surface the faster the flow.
Hydraulic Conductivity x Area “The ease at which fluids flow through the material” Coarser material is easiest Finer material is harder
Groundwater Flows From High to Low Areas (Hydraulic Gradient)
Hydraulic Gradient
Groundwater Flowlines
Darcy’s law THIS IS EASY!!!!! Discharge/Flow = (Hydraulic Conductivity x Area) x (Hydraulic Gradient) Hydraulic Conductivity x Area This is the ease at which fluids flow through the material. Coarser material is easiest Finer material is harder Hydraulic Gradient This is the pressure pushing the water The more pressure the steeper the surface the faster the flow.
Springs and Perched Water Tables
Spring-Arizona’s Marble Canyon
Hot Springs and Geysers
Geysers How They Work
Groundwater and Caves
Groundwater Withdrawal
Heavy Pumping of Groundwater
Groundwater Contamination