Leadership and Outreach Amy L. Chang Director, Education American Society for Microbiology
Leadership: Motivating Colleagues Supportive Environment – people grow, thrive and advance Communities of Shared Responsibilities – equal members, diverse expertise, common needs What to change? Why to change? Who will benefit? When to change? How will change?
Leadership Start Small – conduct an experiment Surround yourself with like-minded folks Common vision, goals and expectations Change what matters – work on a genuine problem Communicate often and clearly Build on successes Refine and repeat
Boyer’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning GOING PUBLIC Publishing in BEN libraries and collections Presenting on campus and at regional and national meetings Mentoring current and future faculty (post- docs) Sharing best practices, expertise and evidence thereby advancing the cause
Audiences Continuum of understanding Examples –Have something to share – lack patience –Curious, convinced but not started – lack inertia –Curious but reluctant – lack trust –Not interested ACTIVITY: Develop 2-minute elevator response to Why Use BEN?
Marketing Digital Libraries and Resources NOT EFFECTIVE Sessions on Digital library resources Digital libraries Internet resources EFFECTIVE BECAUSE BASED ON NEEDS More engaging presentations More investigative laboratories More student- centered problems
Examples – Start Small and Build on Natural Venues Coffee with the dean, dept or division chair Lunch with colleagues, graduate students and post-docs Seminar at teaching and learning center Regional or national meeting poster, workshop or other presentation Stories for newsmagazines Serve as reviewer and contributor
Recognition Promotion and Tenure –National service in the discipline –Institutional mission –Currently collecting evidence Media and Communications – –Letters and news releases Citations
(VISUAL) SEM of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. © Kim R. Finer and John J. Finer, authors. Licensed for use, ASM MicrobeLibrary (linked to if used on a website). (CURRICULUM) Activities for Understanding Gene Regulation. © Linda E. Fisher and Gail E. Rowe, authors. Licensed for use, ASM MicrobeLibrary (linked to if used on a website).
Citations (Article) Benson, S. A Defining the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Microbiology. Focus on Microbiology Education Newmagazine. 7(3): 1-6. (linked to: if used on a website).
BEN Support PDF’s promotional ads –Who, what, when and how –Logo’s Powerpoint presentations about BEN –Partner lists –Survey results –Trend data National studies