Initial Operating Capability Discussion chaired by Jay Pearlman, IEEE including contributions from D. Nebert ADC Co-Chair Meeting February 5, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Initial Operating Capability Discussion chaired by Jay Pearlman, IEEE including contributions from D. Nebert ADC Co-Chair Meeting February 5, 2008

Background for IOC Discussion “We commit ourselves to working together to improve the interoperability of and access to observation and associated prediction and information systems” “We commit to explore ways and means for the sustained operations of the shared architectural GEOSS components and related information infrastructure” - Cape Town declarations There is a near term need to have a basic information infrastructure for GEOSS. Elements of the Architecture have been defined and built – either with operational or advanced development maturity Next steps need to be refined and committed to for an operational system

Issues Having a Common definition of IOC Chicken or the Egg – creating enduring value Availability to the GEOSS user Awareness of IOC Operation of IOC Other? (including next steps)

Toward a Common Definition – What is an Initial Operating Capability? 1.Interoperability within a robust operational structure based on standards and definitions of terms (ontology) 2.A fully integrated operational capability using identified standards with dynamic participation and broad coverage of a limited number of disciplines 3.A fully integrated operational capability using identified standards with dynamic participation covering all relevant disciplines of Earth observation and information IOC

Reaching Critical Mass - value proposition How do we fill the registries and increase catalog availability to create enough value from GEOSS so that users will come?

Availability to the GEOSS user When are we ready for the operational user – including robust (but possibly limited) operations and a user help service?

Awareness of IOC What should be the public outreach campaign? who will do it? how will it be implemented?

Operation of IOC Who will do it? Is there a need for collaboration (and service agreements)?

IOC Issues – looking in finer detail Systematic and pervasive registration of Components and Services Support of registered standards by offerings Strengthening the use of the Web Portals to access all GEOSS resources Improving the interaction of the GEOSS Web Portals, Registries, and Clearinghouse Quality and availability of services Promoting the ability to integrate data and services towards additional SBA application domains Creating persistent test environments – AIP and IP3 Identify and use of Metrics

IOC Issues – looking in finer detail Clear definition of interoperability commitment Broadened interoperability implementation User Resource for ontology – meaning of words User Resource for best practices Understanding and communicating what the GEOSS brand means Use Cases - Moving beyond Pilot illustrations to operational implementation Create a persistent service integration resource Effective outreach including resources for helping users

Appendix (from Nebert IOC Presentation at AIP Worksop)

Community Portals Mapufacture (Africa wild fire scenario) SEDAC Map Client (Polar E&B scenario) GEO Connections Discovery Portal (Polar E&B scenario) ® ESA Service Support Environment (Oil Spill scenario) SERVIR data portal (Hurricane scenario) ® DataFed ® Earth Observation Grid Processing on Demand ® GEO-UA ® GeoConnections Discovery Portal ® Global Biodiversity Information Facility Data Portal ® INSPIRE geo-portal ® Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Data Management Center ® GI-go GeoBrowser ® Information System and Data Center ® International Directory Network: A Portal for Group on Earth Observations ® NASA Earth Science Gateway ® NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center ® U.S. Geospatial One-Stop Portal ® The community portals listed on this page are part of the GEOSS Initial Operating Capability (IOC). Portals provide end-user access to data and analytical capabilities for specific domains. Items registered in the GEOSS Component and Service Registry are shown with an ®.

Clearinghouse and Community Catalogues Three Clearinghouse candidates were demonstrated as part of AIPilot, Phase 1 – FAO GeoNetwork, Compusult, and ESRI Catalogues used and/or registered ® : –Global Change Master Directory (African Wildfire Scenario) ® –METOP EUMETSAT CSW (oil Spill Scenario) –SPOT Image Ionic CSW (oil Spill Scenario) –MUIS Catalogue (oil Spill Scenario) –SAR ESA CSW (oil Spill Scenario) –Ionic Catalog CSW (oil Spill Scenario) –JAXA CSW (volcano Scenario) –GeoConnections Discovery Portal Catalog (Polar E&B scenario) –INSPIRE catalogue ® –ECHO ® –GI-cat Federated Catalog ® –NASA Earth Science Gateway ® –U.S. Geospatial One-Stop ®

Workflow Management, Processing Services The following Workflow Management components are part of the GEOSS Initial Operating Capability (IOC) and were used in demonstration scenarios as indicated:Initial Operating Capabilitydemonstration –Catalogue Workflow Spacebel (Oil Spill) –SPS EO Profile Workflow Spacebel (Oil Spill) –EO-1 Workflow Chaining Service (Africa fires) ® One Processing Services component was demonstrated: –EO-1 Thermal Classification Web Processing Service (Africa fires) ®

Data Access Services EO1 SPS – EO1 Satellite Sensor Tasking (African Fire Scenario) EO1 data (African Fire Scenario) Image Data JAXA WMS/CSW (Africa E&B) Landsat 7 WMS Global Mosaic (Africa E&B) Feasibility Server MISEO Astrium (Oil Spill Scenario) MERIS SPS Datamat/ESA ((Oil Spill Scenario) SPOT Image SPS (Oil Spill Scenario) Sea Surface Temp NERC WMS (Oil Spill Scenario) PALSAR Image JAXA WCS (Oil Spill Scenario) Wind ASA WMS (Oil Spill Scenario) ASAR Image Infoterra/ESA WMS (Oil Spill Scenario) SPOT Image WMS/WCS (Oil Spill Scenario) ALOS Image JAXA WMS/WCS (Volcano Scenario) EO-1 image JAXA WMS/WCS (Volcano Scenario) DataFed WCS ® IMAGE 2000 ® Integrated CEOS European Data Server ® JAXA Web Coverage Service ® JAXA Web Map Server ® NASA-SSE-HelioClim-1 ® WGISS Test Facility for CEOP prototype system ®

Other Data Access Services Gridded Population Data SEDAC WMS (African wildfire scenario) Global Land Cover 2000 JRC WMS/WCS server (African E&B scenario) Soils data JRC WMS/WCS server (Africa E&B scenario) Protected Areas JRC WMS/WFS (Africa E&B scenario) Global Biodiversity GBIF Information Facility ( (African E&B scenario) CARMA Caribou migration data Cubwerx WMS (Polar E&B scenario) Geology NRCan WMS (Polar E&B scenario) Vegetation and Wetlands NRCan WMS (Polar E&B scenario) Snow and Ice Data Center - NSIDC WMS (Polar E&B scenario) Atlas of the Cryosphere (Polar E&B scenario) ® Land Cover and Population FAO WMS (Volcano scenario) Land Use and Population JAXA WMS/WCS (Volcano Scenario) Geogratis (Canada) ® NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center ®