H UMAN R ESOURCE M ODULE - N. Sai Manohar -Mentors Daniel Futerman Roger Friedman Carl Leinter
P URPOSE - The purpose of the project is to develop an OpenMRS module to maintain personnel information and generate reports useful at the clinical level and compatible with a national personnel system This module comes with a data model, API extensions, data entry forms and reports.
H UMAN R ESOURCES M ODULE T ERMINOLOGY Job title: describes a role; includes education and skill requirements, describes job functions, pay grades Post: an authorization to employ someone with a specified job title at a specified location; can be open, filled or closed (no longer authorized) Post-centric system: posts are created and maintained based on an authorization process or staffing norms Person-centric system: a person is hired with a job title; posts hold data but there is no authorization process Post History: placement of a specified person in a specified post; has a start and end date; a person’s collection of post histories represents their career Assignment: a finer-grained version of post history, tells what the employee is supposed to be doing where and for whom
D ATA M ODEL - Assignment IscoCodes Job Title Post Post History Staff Staff Attribute Staff Attribute Type Competency Education Evaluation Leave Staff Certificate Staff Notes Training Training classes Train Person The data model of the Human Resource System is designed based on the IHRIS data model with staff attributes, histories of education and posts, certifications, the opportunity to view/add staff notes, view/add evaluations based on competencies and able to add training data to the system. It contains the following entities.
Project Scope Current Scope Future Scope OpenMRS Core
F UNCTIONS OF THIS MODULE - Admin Functions - Create/edit/inactivate job titles via a form, with the assignment of ISCO codes Create /edit / inactivate posts, with assignment of locations via a form; Create / edit / inactivate staff attribute types Create / edit / inactivate staff Manager Functions - Select / create / inactivate persons (with person names, person addresses, person contacts and person attributes) as staff members with staff attributes and staff tags using a form Assign / remove staff members to / from a post, yielding a post history, using a form Create / inactive assignments for staff history records, using a form (inactivating a post history record will inactivate all its assignments)
Reporting Functions – Display reports as tables or charts Export report data in Excel-compatible, HTML or XML and PDF formats Generate staff directories, lists of offices and facilities, position lists and other reports Create the following reports: Individual Comprehensive Report (Content of all tabs) Current post/assignment/leave list in alpha, location, cadre/job title order Vacant or on-leave posts Posts by location at a time disaggregated by gender/vacant, age
HR M ANAGER USE CASES Adding an assignment – Two types of assignments can be added to the system – Adding a current assignment – an assignment for an ongoing post for that staff can be added. This assignment starts after the post has started. Adding a previous assignment – an assignment for a previous post can be added. The start and end date this assignment are between the start and end date of that post. Adding a post history – Again of two kinds – Moving the staff to a new post. The old post should be vacated when the staff is moved to the new post and the start date of the new post history should be after the vacate date of the previous post. Adding a previous position – A previous position can be added. This post duration should not interfere between the existing posts. Terminate Employment – Employment can be terminated with a valid end date and end reason which ends all the current posts and assignments with the same end date and end reason.
C ONTINUED.. Adding Job Titles – New Job Titles can be added to the system and maintained. Adding New Posts – posts can be created from the job titles in the system and maintained. Adding Staff – staff can be added to the system. A staff is created from an existing person in the system or by creating a new person.
HR P AGES - Staff Demographics
staff position page
Adding a previous assignment
Manage posts
T ASKS D ONE - Creating the basic structure of the module Creating the data model of the project. Creating the domain objects and hibernate mapping files. Creating Job structure and related classes (services). Creating required pages to manage jobs titles, posts and staff (admin functions) Creating HR manager functions such as employee positions and employment history. Investigated on how to package reports into the module, and have developed some reports using BIRT.
T ASKS R EMAINING Include packaging required sql data into the module (isco_codes, reports etc.), Including already-defined HR roles and privileges into the module Documenting the system.