Presented by 1.Devarshi Pandya Karan Patel Manank Patel
It’s defined as the process of decay & disintegration of rocks under the influence of certain physical & chemical agencies of the atmosphere like wind,ice,sun,water.
In simple words we can say processes at or near Earth’s surface that cause rocks and minerals to break down.
Mechanical Weathering - processes that break a rock or mineral into smaller pieces without altering its composite.
Physical Weathering – I. Wind II. River III. Glaciers IV. Gravity
Chemical Weathering - processes that change the chemical composition of rocks and minerals
Chemical Weathering – I. Hydration II. Carbonation III. Oxidation
Biological Weathering –The weathering process related to the activities of plants, animals & bacteria.
Biological Weathering – I. Trees & plants II. Animals III. Man
We get vital soil for agriculture. Cheap building stones. Economic mineral due to it like: Bauxite. Weathered rocks are suitable for tunnelling. Weathered rocks are used in railway ballast or concrete aggregates. Weathered sites are used for construction of dams, bridges etc
The process where the sediments are transported by wind, gravity, glaciers, man, and running water.
The wind erosion process detaches soil particles from the land surface and transports them by wind. It occurs when forces exerted by wind overcome the gravitational and cohesive forces of soil particles on the surface of the ground.
The process in which soil partials are moved by water of river. The most erosion occurs during times of flood, when more and faster-moving water is available to carry a larger sediment load.
A glacier is a thick mass of ice which moves over the ground under the influence of gravity.
Movement of particles typically due to a combination of different forces. There are 3 transportation included in this topic 1. Wind transportation 2. River transportation 3. Glacier transportation
Particles are transported by winds through bouncing & rolling along the ground. The total sediment carried by a wind can be divided into 2 parts Bed load Suspended load
The larger & heavier particles, such as sand or gravels,which are moved by winds but not lift more than cm of the earth’s surface constitutes the bed load. Suspended load It includes finer clay or silt particles Which are lifted about 100 meters above surface
A river carries enormous amount of soil and rock material, which it receive by continued erosion from itself The load flowing in river are divided in 3 parts Dissolved load Suspended load Bed load
Dissolved load: This includes particles which are soluble in water for ex: limestone, calcium carbonate Suspended load: this consists of finer materials. Which are kept in suspension by the turbulence of the flowing water. ex: fine sand & clay Bed load: this includes heavier particles of sand gravels pebbles & many other type of materials.
GLACIERS acquires huge amount of rock derbies in its flow. The material load are divided into 3 parts: Super glacial load Englacial load Sub glacial load
Super glacial load: The falls from the valley walls on the surface of glaciers is transported as a conveyer belt. Englacial load: The materials which is enclosed within the ice. Sub glacial load: The materials present at the bottom of the glaciers.