Market Cost of Renewable Jet Fuel Adoption in the US September 11, 2014 GEOSHARE Post-Pilot Workshop Purdue University An end-user perspective on GEOSHARE Niven Winchester
2 / Background on the MIT Joint Program (1) The MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change (JPSPGC) is an interdisciplinary research center than focuses on climate change issues Funded by a series of federal grants and a consortium of industrial sponsors Includes economists and climate scientists (no agronomists!) Utilizes a suit of models, which can be run independently or part of an integrated system – Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis (EPPA) model – MIT Earth System Model (MESM), which includes: Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) MIT General Circulation Model (MITgcm) Community Land Model (CLM) Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM)
3 / Background on the MIT Joint Program (2) Detailed representations of land cover, biomass productivity, soil fertility etc. are required to calibrate several models Increasing number of requests/funding opportunities for agriculture-focused research – Bioenergy – Ability to meet global food demand under growing populations and changing food demands, climates and policies
4 / An end-user wish list (1) Biomass types of key interest – Food crops: Barley, Canola, Cotton, Maize, Palm fruit, Potato, Quinoa, Rice, Sorghum, Soybean, Sugar beet, Sugarcane, Sunflower, Tomato, Tef, Wheat – Energy crops: Jatropha, Miscanthus, Switchgrass, Poplar, Eucalyptus, Willow Data (0.5-degree grid or finer) – Yield, Production, Irrigation, Fertilizer use, Pesticide use, Pest census (population & type), Growing season/Planting and harvesting dates, Crop rotation, Land rents, Field boundary shape files, Soil characteristics (type, salinity, fertility), Historical and projected land cover change (including urban vs. suburban), Climate observations and projections used in AgMIP, Population density, Canopy height/stand age
5 / An end-user wish list (2) Improved, accessible and validated/respected data to support model-based policy analysis – Improved model outcomes – Creditability and traceability – Research for government agencies and congressional testimonies etc. Crop model parameters – Crop phenology (e.g., base temperature for calculating growing degree days) – Plant physiology (e.g., basal respiration, maximum root depth)
6 / Potentially challenges Version control – Will older versions of models and datasets be maintained as new ones are added? Attribution – Will (condense) citations for GEOSHARE data be provided? – What is the incentive for a user to include his/her data in an agglomerated database where individual contributors may not be cited?
Market Cost of Renewable Jet Fuel Adoption in the US September 11, 2014 GEOSHARE Post-Pilot Workshop Purdue University An end-user perspective on GEOSHARE Niven Winchester