Unit 10 Vocabulary Review Vote with your Feet
Complete the sentence. Caleb is a ________ student; he uses his resources and his background knowledge to achieve success. A. Rigorous B. Resourceful C. Abominable D. deluded
B. resourceful
In the years ________ to the Civil War, American industrialists took advantage of the economic devastation in the South. A. Refurbish B. Posterity C. Subsequent D. engulfed
C. Subsequent
Which word best matches the definition: To fool, deceive; to mislead utterly A. dole B. delude C. foil D. unerring
Correct Answer: B. delude
severe, harsh, strict; thoroughly logical A. rigorous B. posterity C. engulf D. initiative
Correct Answer: A. rigorous
making no mistakes, faultless, completely accurate A. pry B. refurbish C. consequence D. unerring
Correct Answer: D. unerring
a person who refuses to follow established ideas or ways of doing things; unconventional A. panorama B. bumbling C. nonconformist D. abominable
Correct Answer: C. nonconformist
coming after; following in time, place, or order A. subsequent B. resourceful C. refurbish D. memento
Correct Answer: A. subsequent
to swallow up, overwhelm, consume A. null and void B. initiative C. foil D. engulf
Correct Answer: D. engulf
to express definitely or systematically; to devise, invent; to state as a formula A. formulate B. bumbling C. posterity D. resourceful
Correct Answer: A. formulate
to brighten, freshen, or polish; to restore or improve A. subsequent B. refurbish C. abominable D. initiative
Correct Answer: B. refurbish
Choose the synonym for the following word: abominable A.outcome, significance B.overview C.hateful, despicable, loathsome D.remembrance, souvenir, token
Synonym: abominable C. hateful, despicable, loathsome
Which is the best synonym for panorama: A. overview B. snoop, meddle C. sure, certain, unfailing D. remodel, renew
Synonym: panorama A. overview
Which is the best synonym for memento: A. encompass, immerse B. remembrance, souvenir, token C. frustrate, thwart, counter D. canceled, repealed, abolished
Synonym: memento B. remembrance, souvenir, token
Which is the best synonym for dole: A. inventive, skillful B, snoop, meddle C. maverick, individualist, D. ration, allot, distribute, handout
Synonym: dole D. ration, allot, distribute, handout
Which is the best synonym for pry: A. snoop, meddle B. trick, hoodwink C. leadership, enterprise D. tough, trying, challenging
Synonym: pry A. snoop, meddle
Which is the best antonym for consequence? A. binding, in effect B. cause, source C. aid, abet, assist, advance D. traditional, conventional
Antonym: consequence B. cause, source
Which is the best antonym for initiative? A. laziness, sloth, shiftlessness B. assist, advance, promote C. unreliable, faulty D. run down, dilapidate
Antonym: initiative A. laziness, sloth, shiftlessness
Which is the best antonym for posterity: A. previous, prior, receding B. cause, source C. charming, delightful D. ancestry, ancestors, forebears, the past
Antonym: posterity D. ancestry, ancestors, forebears, the past