Agenda Welcome and Introductions Office of Community Service Whitehead Budget Process Official Group Recognition Individual Transition and Budget Meetings
Introductions WMS VP of Community Service (outgoing) Emily Clausen WMS VP of Community Service (incoming) Allison Staley WMS VPs of Student Affairs (outgoing) Allison Serra Mark Clapp WMS VPs of Student Affairs (incoming) Marybeth Anderson Alex Berger Office of Community Service Lisa Slatt Patty Neff Student Activities Jon Curtis
Office of Community Service Who we are Where we are What we can do for you
WHITEHEAD MEDICAL SOCIETY BUDGET PROCESS Allison Serra, Mark Clapp (outgoing) Marybeth Anderson, Alex Berger (incoming) Co-VPs of Student Affairs
Current Status Total Budget Allocation for $12,000
Current Status Need to check your funds? See Mark or Allison after the meeting. SPEND IT or RELEASE IT. If you aren’t going to use your remaining funds, please let Marybeth or Alex know, and they will distribute it to a group that will Remaining funds will NOT carry over to next year!
Reimbursements Deadline June 20 th for all ’08-09 reimbursements Turn into Marybeth or Alex from now on OR drop in little gray box outside the MacNider 37 (across from MS3 mailboxes, ground floor of MacNider) Any questions will now go to Marybeth or Alex
Reimbursements Save ALL receipts! Receipt must include that payment was made and how (cash, check, credit card) Reimbursement can only be made to medical students, not faculty or staff Fill out reimbursement gorm Give form to Marybeth or Alex OR drop in little gray box outside the Office of Community Service (across from MS3 mailboxes, ground floor of MacNider) *This process is not immediate: 5-7 business days.*
DPS Payments DPS = UNC Department of Public Safety If you use DPS for an event (5K, street fair, etc), DO NOT PAY THEM, you will NOT be reimbursed if you do Get an invoice, and submit it with a reimbursement form This must be done via Interdepartmental Transfer
Spending FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS ONLY Lunches Dinners Supplies Community service activities Conference fees (from approved MAA funds)
NOT ALLOWED Travel/transportation Speaker fees, travel, or gifts Gift cards or certificates Charitable donations Alcohol If it’s questionable, ASK!
How things work Distribute budget application forms tonight Submit completed application to new VPs by MAY 18 th (only hard copies accepted) Administration allots $$ to VPs of Student Affairs (July) VPs allot $$ to groups based on submitted budgets WMS approves budget (early August) Groups receive $$ information (late August)
Budget Allocation Criteria Amount received last year Amount spent last year Amount requested this year Proposed activities/projects on budget request Hint: DETAILS help! APPLICATION:
Website Must update your website to receive funding Check med.unc.edu site to see if your group is listed and link is correct: organizations/ organizations/ If not listed,
Recognition Only recognized student groups can receive WMS monies. Some groups’ allocations are tentative pending official recognition. Talk to Jon Curtis if you have questions regarding recognition
Official Student Group Recognition Jon Curtis Assistant Director for Student Activities 2501A Frank Porter Graham Student Union
Before you leave today… Register your group’s attendance ( Talk to former leaders about proposed projects for next year Ask us any burning questions