YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop To increase the frequency with which the Young Epidemiology Scholars (YES) Teaching Units are taught by high school teachers To create “… a professional community that discusses new teacher materials and strategies and that supports the risk taking and struggle entailed in transforming practice.”
YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop Trial, 9 Meetings, 3.5 hours, 4:30 – 8:00 PM
YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop Pedagogical Framework Handout
Epi Public Health Professionals In the News Teachers Teaching Teachers Blackboard Components and Methods YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop To be fully understood, an enduring understanding will have to be explored, questioned, played with, used in realistic contexts, rephrased, and verified as important in some way.
Epi YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop
Epi YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop Lessons Learned This component seems to be working and is well-received. You need enough time to adequately cover the material. Having an instructor in the classroom helped make the distance teaching work.
Public Health Professionals YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop Public Health Nurse Pertussis To understand something as a specific instance of a more general case … is to have learned not only a specific thing but also a model for understanding other things like it that one may encounter. Jerome Bruner, The Process of Education Communicable Disease Reporting and Surveillance System
In the News YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop Lessons Learned Empowering Allot adequate time for this activity. Can serve as an assessment of teachers’ understanding of the material.
Unit 2 Unit 3Unit 1 Teacher 1 Teacher 4 Teacher 7 Teacher 3 Teacher 6 Teacher 9 Teacher 2 Teacher 5 Teacher 8 Ana Alea-Schlichting Nicholas Weimmer Khamis Aburmelieh Marian Press Jacqueline Gilker Karen Browne Maria Sanchez Barbara Schneider Kurshid Siddiqui Casualties of WarTeenage Births Slave Trade YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop Teachers Teaching Teachers
As a group, prior to our next meeting, prepare to teach a 30-minute lesson, based on an assigned YES Teaching Unit, to your fellow workshop participants. Have workshop participants experience part of the YES Teaching Unit. Prepare to lead a 10-minute discussion with workshop participants about how you determined what part of the Yes Teaching Unit to teach and how you prepared to teach that part of the unit. YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop
Teachers Teaching Teachers YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop
Teachers Teaching Teachers YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop Diane-Marie St. George, Felicia McCrary, Manuel Bayona, Flora Ichiou Huang, David Fraser, Mona Baumgarten, Mark Kaelin, Chris Olsen, and, not present, Paul Stolley
Blackboard YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop
Blackboard YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop “In order to be a successful epidemiologist you need to be a very intuitive person and you need to see patterns that sometimes are not obvious.” Maria Sanchez “I’m just afraid that my imagination would get away from me if I was a public health nurse! I’d be seeing patterns everywhere!” Ana Alea-Schlichting
Blackboard YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop Do you feel prepared to teach your students so that they can develop these enduring epidemiological understandings? What can we do better to prepare you? Lessons Learned Stress the importance of this component from the first class session. Have both process and content discussion threads available. Allow teachers to have separate discussion areas to facilitate their group work.
YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop Pedagogical Framework
Teaching the Teaching Units YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop Epi Public Health Professionals In the News Teachers Teaching Teachers Blackboard To be fully understood, an enduring understanding will have to be explored, questioned, played with, used in realistic contexts, rephrased, and verified as important in some way.
Unit 2 Unit 3Unit 1 Teacher 1 Teacher 4 Teacher 7 Teacher 3 Teacher 6 Teacher 9 Teacher 2 Teacher 5 Teacher 8 Ana Alea-Schlichting Nicholas Weimmer Khamis Aburmelieh Marian Press Jacqueline Kilker Karen Browne Maria Sanchez Barbara Schneider Kurshid Siddiqui Case-Control Study TV and Aggressive Behavior Testing Ephedra Teaching the Teaching Units YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop
YES Teaching Units Professional Development Workshop To increase the frequency with which the Young Epidemiology Scholars (YES) Teaching Units are taught by high school teachers Thank You