Elementary Crowding and Capacity Committee (ECCC) Meeting #5 October 22, 2007
Meeting Agenda 7:00Comments from Dr. Smith 7:15Housekeeping Details 7:30Draft Option from Long Branch 8:15Small Group Conversations 8:45Adjourn Next Meeting:October 29
Hybrid Option for Alleviating Crowding at Tuckahoe and McKinley Grandfather all currently enrolled kids Discount all dual enrollees Move Tuckahoe’s pre-K class Move Nottingham’s Interlude program to a more central location Move Planning Unit 1609 (29 kids) to Glebe Move Life Skills classes from Glebe Freeze incoming transfers at Tuckahoe, McKinley, Glebe, and Nottingham Designate 15 seats (5 each at ASF, ATS, Key) for “overcrowded schools” Allot those seats for 2008 to overcrowded schools (schools in excess of 100% capacity) currently Tuckahoe and McKinley Designate Long Branch as the alternative to Key for all of Woodbury Park Designate Long Branch – instead of Ashlawn – as a NCLB receiving school
Background Material from Previous Meetings
LangstonLangston –Shared facility with the County –APS has 10 “large” classrooms, 6 are 700 sf, on 2 nd and 3 rd floors –High School Continuation enrollment as of 9/30: 94 –County program includes 4 PreK Head Start Rooms, Multi Purpose Room, Senior Program, Teen Center, Community Center Langston Building
Reed Building Construction schedule: January 2008 – Summer 2009Construction schedule: January 2008 – Summer 2009 The Children’s School/Integration StationThe Children’s School/Integration Station –13 classrooms for 0-5 year olds –No cafeteria, art, music, specials –Relocating program would require 13 classrooms (290 student capacity in another APS facility) Teen ParentingTeen Parenting –10 classrooms, 6 are 720 sf or smaller –Majority of classrooms on 2 nd floor –2 infant care rooms –60 students, 18 infants
Interlude Program Countywide programCountywide program 2 classrooms and quiet space, capacity of 20 students2 classrooms and quiet space, capacity of 20 students Integrated into elementary program at NottinghamIntegrated into elementary program at Nottingham Must be located in an elementary schoolMust be located in an elementary school
Planning Units
MOCK Analysis – Move three Plan Units from Tuckahoe to Glebe
Feasibility Analysis of MOCK Scenario
PreK- 12 Diff from% of CapacityCap Util ELEMENTARYTOTALProjection CapacityUtilizationno dual en Abingdon % %60.1% Arl. Science Foc % %99.6% Arlington Trad % % Ashlawn % %91.3% Barcroft % %74.2% Barrett % % Campbell % %74.8% Carlin Springs % %84.7% Claremont % %89.1% Drew % % Glebe % %99.7% Henry % %83.6% Hoffman-Boston % %56.8% Jamestown % %95.3% Key % %93.3% Long Branch % %84.6% McKinley % %102.0% Nottingham % %99.5% Oakridge % %80.0% Randolph % %80.7% Reed %3080.0%76.7% Taylor % %94.0% Tuckahoe % %116.2% TOTAL ELEM % %87.6%
Capacity Utilization No dual enrollment 60.1% - Abingdon 60.1% - Abingdon 99.6% - ASF 99.6% - ASF 96.4% - ATS 96.4% - ATS 91.3% - Ashlawn 91.3% - Ashlawn 74.2% - Barcroft 74.2% - Barcroft 86.4% - Barrett 86.4% - Barrett 74.8% - Campbell 74.8% - Campbell 84.7% - Carlin Springs 84.7% - Carlin Springs 89.1% - Claremont 89.1% - Claremont 94.6% - Drew 94.6% - Drew 99.7% - Glebe 99.7% - Glebe 83.6% - Henry 83.6% - Henry 56.8% - Hoffman-Boston 56.8% - Hoffman-Boston 95.3% - Jamestown 95.3% - Jamestown 93.3% - Key 93.3% - Key 84.6% - Long Branch 84.6% - Long Branch 102% - McKinley 102% - McKinley 99.5% - Nottingham 99.5% - Nottingham 80.0% - Oakridge 80.0% - Oakridge 80.7% - Randolph 80.7% - Randolph 94.0% - Taylor 94.0% - Taylor 116.2% - Tuckahoe 116.2% - Tuckahoe
ECCC Recommendation Remove fourth bullet:Remove fourth bullet: Not change choices available or admissions policies. Superintendent’s Recommendation Substitute the following language for the fourth bullet:Substitute the following language for the fourth bullet: Not change the location, program, or admissions procedures related to Arlington Traditional School or Drew Model School.