Profile Penalty The Terror Ride!!!!
The Story One day while Jack was playing online, a pop-up came into his screen. “Click this link to see awesome pic's”. He did. When the page loaded, it asked him for his name, age, address and an image of himself. He did so then pressed ‘Enter’. He waited for the next page to load but no matter what he did he could not get the page to load. About 10min’s later, another pop-up came onto his Screen. It read “Thank you for registering on ‘I love pic’’. There s now a van on rout to your house. Please be ready in 30min’s.
Jack immediately rang his friend Josh and told him what had happened, but it was too late. The van pulled into the driveway 2min’s into they’re conversation. That was the last that Josh heard of Jack until the police recovered him.
Who found out? Family Police Friends
Police When I first heard the case come over the radio that a small boy, about 11 years old, had been kidnapped by a bunch of adults that wanted to negatively influence him, I got straight onto the radio and told them that I was on my way. When I got there I saw a black van parked in the driveway. It was shaking around allot. I walked up to it and opened the door to find three men piled on top of the boy. I threw them off and drove the boy home.
Family We are sooo glad to have our great little boy home again. We were greatly depressed when we went looking for him but we couldn’t find him.
Friends Aa, yea, just happy to have him back. Got anything to say Tim? Na. Just good to have him back.
Conclusion In the end Jack went through three months of counseling but continues to play online Back to start