Austria-Hungary World War 1 By: Jonathan K. Mathew S. Mathew S. Anthony D. Anthony D. Moises A. Moises A. Waleed A. Waleed A.
Alliance System Austria-Hungary allied with Germany and Italy and called themselves the Triple Alliance. The United Kingdom allied with France and Russia in the Triple Entente. Later on in the war Italy changes sides, from the Triple Alliance to the Triple Entente. Later on in the war Italy changes sides, from the Triple Alliance to the Triple Entente.
1879 The Dual Alliance Germany and Austria- Hungary made an alliance to protect themselves from Russia The Dual Alliance Germany and Austria- Hungary made an alliance to protect themselves from Russia. Austria-Hungary believe that Germany would always save them. Alliance System Alliances 1882 The Triple Alliance Germany and Austria- Hungary made an alliance with Italy to stop Italy from taking sides with Russia 1882 The Triple Alliance Germany and Austria- Hungary made an alliance with Italy to stop Italy from taking sides with Russia
Alliance System Europe had reached its breaking point on June 28, When Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia. He was killed by a Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, belonging to an organization known as the Black Hand. Convinced that the Serbian government had conspired against them, Austria-Hungary issued Serbia an unacceptable ultimatum. Serbia agreed almost entirely.
Alliance System Austria-Hungary was unsatisfied and declared war on Serbia. Russia then ordered a mobilization only against Austria-Hungary. The Germans threatened war if the Russians did not demobilize. France responded and mobilized. On August 1, Germany declared war on Russia, and two days later, on France. The German invasion of Belgium to attack France, which violated Belgium's official neutrality, prompted Britain to declare war on Germany. World War I had begun.
Failure of Diplomacy Austria-Hungary refused to share dominance with Russia of the Balkans. Austria-Hungary refused to accept United Kingdom offer to mediate dispute with Serbia. Austria-Hungary rejects Serbian acceptance of most of its “Ultimatum”
Imperialism Austria-Hungary demanded a “sphere of influence” over the Balkans. Austria-Hungary was building tension with Serbia over the Balkans. The Balkan states drove Turkey out of the area. The states then fought each other over which area should belong to which state. Austria-Hungary told Serbia to give up. Tension then began to rise between the two countries.
Balkans Austria Hungary demanded a “sphere of influence” over the Balkans. Imperialism
Militarism Countries had been improving for many years. Allot of the countries were very wealthy, most of the money was invested in military use. First and last Dreadnought Battleship
Militarism Austria-Hungary thought that all Serbian threat had to be destroyed with military means.
Nationalism Little or no feeling of Austro-Hungarian nationalism. The military and other armed forces helped unite the people of the country during the time of war. Austria-Hungary was not very unified before the war, the war pulled the country closer.
Austria-Hungary 1 - Links cfm 1.cfm 1.cfm 1.cfm Hungary_start_World_War_1 Hungary_start_World_War_1 Hungary_start_World_War_1 Hungary_start_World_War_1